Page 20 - History of the STGA 1959-2019
P. 20

 ‘I seem to remember at some point helping Alec McGregor with recruiting people to train as Scottish Tourist Guides as it was STB who did the training in these days and it only lasted about 6 weeks, if I remember correctly!’ she added.
One of her colleagues in marketing at the STB days was Anne McSween who was a member of the famous haggis making dynasty. “She was a real character and she was a BB guide,’ Susan recalled.
Susan moved on from the STB in October 1981 to work for the British Tourist Authority in Amsterdam for about seven years before returning to Scotland and training as a BB guide between 2010 and 2012.
The Association started as a male dominated body in 1959 and the position was completely reversed 20 years later when Miss Elizabeth Seton was appointed as chairman and Mrs Anne Lister, secretary.
Willie Simpson retired as treasurer the following year and the position was filled by Mrs Jane Orde who was to really make her mark internationally in the following decade.
Basil Skinner also stepped down as Director of Extra-Mural Studies at Edinburgh University in 1979 after 13 years in the role and was replaced by geology expert Con Gillen.
In 1979 Jane Orde did an interview with Joan Bakewell on a programme called Away from It All. It marked her out as someone who was going to be playing a major role in the development of the STGA in the next two decades and putting it on the world stage.
Michael Glen with the Blue Badge he commissioned in the 1970s

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