Page 72 - History of the STGA 1959-2019
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‘If we are talking substance and what the STGA has influenced, one example is feedback giving, said Viola. ‘I believe that the way we now give feedback in the STGA has greatly informed the feedback giving of both the WFTGA and FEG.
‘Our trainers have also written extensive specialised training material for both the WFTGA and FEG and we have influenced processes and procedures as well as policies and are continuing to do so with Iris Barry as current (2019) Convener of the FEG Training Consultative Group, Viola Lewis as current Head of the WFTGA Training Division and Mary Kemp-Clarke as one of the most active WFTGA Lead International Trainers and current WFTGA Vice President as well as Ros Newlands as WFTGA President Emeritus.
So why has the STGA had such an influence?
‘Probably because STGA members contributed to discussions, conventions and projects of FEG and the WFTGA and attended the WFTGA and FEG trainer training,’ said Viola. ‘Often, they then got asked to take up certain positions in these organisations. For instance, Ros Newlands presented the 2003 Dunblane bid and eventually became WFTGA President. Mary and I attended the WFTGA and then FEG Trainer Training – initially because we wanted to learn for the Scottish training in our roles as Training Manager and Blue Badge Course Director. Then we got asked to work internationally. Although I volunteered for many STGA roles in the past, I didn’t volunteer for either becoming Convener of the FEG Training Consultative Group nor Head of the WFTGA Training Division. I was approached by both organisations and I’m sure this was because of my STGA background.
‘I should say that Mary and I weren’t the first WFTGA and FEG Trainers. Iris Barry came before us and now there is a considerable number of FEG and WFTGA Trainers in the STGA Membership. Wherever we go we influence. When you, as an STGA member, attend FEG or WFTGA events for the first time you hear about guide training elsewhere and you begin to realise how well-developed and well-regarded the STGA training is worldwide. We are not perfect, but we shouldn’t underestimate what we have achieved.’
Ros Newlands adds that as a founder member of both WFTGA and FEG, the STGA has always been represented by delegates at annual and biennial meetings. ‘Given Scotland is a small country of 5.3 million people and STGA has around 400 members, it has always punched above its weight and enhanced the reputation of Scotland and its professional tourist guides, often pioneering new ideas which have been taken up elsewhere.
‘In the past 60 years STGA has provided two WFTGA Presidents, two WFTGA Vice Presidents, two WFTGA Heads of Training and one WFTGA Secretary and Treasurer as well as a member of the FEG Executive Board and a European Standards expert. In addition STGA trainers have worked around the world with WFTGA and FEG as well as independently. The STGA also sponsoring guide training in Cameroon.
‘The STGA was the first association in the UK to offer a formal Continuous Professional Development Scheme and CPD endorsement for its members and this has now been seen as a model for other countries including England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Ros added: ‘Members of STGA worked with colleagues in England to advise on the setting up of the Institute for Tourist Guiding in 2002 because our colleagues south of the Border wanted to use the STGA model of owning the qualification once the English Tourist Boards no longer wished to be involved – this was to avoid standards being eroded and to ensure that the standard was maintained.
‘The Scottish Blue Badge and (now the Scottish Green Badge) is still seen as a symbol of quality and the fact that the STGA has been able to continue as the recognised provider of qualified tourist guides in Scotland despite the lack of regulation is looked on with envy by many other countries, who are struggling for recognition.’

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