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P. 198

2 Wallace and Bruce and now Loch Ness BPC and MQS
Late to tours we never come,
Offspring welcome, only with mum. Veiled in tartan scarves and ties
Or in kilts not showing our thighs Pleased to serve our public well,
We are perfect - can't you tell?
Hark! The Blue Badge Guides do sing,
Glory to this land we bring.
3 Hail the Heaven-sent Guide of note, Hail the teller of story or quote
Light and life to groups we bring Facing challenge – that’s our thing. Mild and wet our climate can blow, Born to thrive in hail or snow,
Born to sing the Highland songs,
Born to right all history's wrongs.
Hark! The Blue Badge Guides do sing, Glory to this land we bring.
4 Come with us round Scotland's shores We're exciting; we're not bores,
To all questions we'll reply
If naive, we will not sigh.
In hotels of standard dubious
Quite the opposite of luxurious,
We will be quite magnifique
Blue Badge Guides are fantastique. Hark! The Blue Badge Guides do sing, Glory to this land we bring
 Morag writes: ‘The Dundee CPD was organised by Maggie McLeod and Toni McPherson and we were joined by quite a lot of the English guides from the Institute. We had previously been down to London and Maggie had attended a few of their CPDs.’

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