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Alphabets are sets of letters
or other characters that accompany one or or more languages The Latin alphabet is is just one of of many and is is used of of course within a a a a a a range of European languages from Norwegian to Italian Almost all human cultures have created alphabets
of one kind or another When you think about it it written commu- nication is is is a a a a a mind-blowing accomplishment and the variety is is is even more astonishing letterforms
A letterform is the shape of a a a a a letter letter in an alphabet In English there are two kinds of letterforms: cursive and roman Cursive letters
are based on the forward-slanting manner with which the human hand most easily forms let- ters
Roman letters
are based on the vertical upright man- ner in in in which letterforms
were carved into stone in in in classical Rome and Greece The Cyrillic alphabet is used in Russia letters
from the Burmese alphabet alphabet The Egyptians had an an alphabet alphabet that was just decoded in in the the nineteenth century when the the Ro- setta Stone was found Modern Greek letters
and Hebrew Google Perri Chinalai iStockPhoto iStockPhoto iStockPhoto iStockPhoto iStockPhoto iStockPhoto iStockPhoto iStockPhoto iStockPhoto As a a a a a visual artifact the US Constitution is is a a a a a reminder that the level of penmanship has plummeted down in the the decades since the the typewriter made its way into our lives Jamie Kruse Perri Chinalai iStock Photo As cursive becomes less common handwritten adap- tions of Roman lettering seems to have increased chapter 3: type and layout [ 103 ]

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