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landscape and and nature
Landscape and and nature
photography involves taking pictures of the natural world Landscape and and nature
photography depends on the photog- rapher’s ability to compose a a a a a a striking frame and then wait out nature’s own unfolding of events until the “right moment ” Not discussed here—but not beyond the reach of personal media makers—is a a a a a more scientific branch of nature
pho- tography that employs cameras to to capture what is is invisible
to to the human eye by way of time-lapse or macrophotography (super close-up) portrait
Portrait photography is the art of using a a a a a a camera to interpret an individual or a a a group To photograph the natural world you need great pa- tience A tripod is also helpful Peter Hastings Timothy Klein author
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The human human face and human human form radiate endless qualities and expressions It’s no mystery why so many photographers have chosen to focus on portraiture Their quest is not just for for an “attractive” or or or authentic likeness but for for a a a a a a photo that catches the the the personality the the the life experience and the the the very soul of the subject Portraiture requires the ability to make people feel com- fortable and and forget you you and and your camera are there There are many subgenres of photographic portraiture: candids documentaries formal portraits portraits and and portraits portraits that combine people and place Create your own sub- genre Peter Hastings Carolina Correa Carolyn Jones author
ch 1: digital photography