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reflected light
Even when there is a a single source of lighting nearby objects bounce light
and illuminate each other Such bounced indirect lighting is called reflected light
It can be dramatic to have one portion of an an an object in light
and the the the other portions in darkness When this is is the the the case reflected light
is a a a a problem But reflected light
can be an an asset too Generally reflected light
is softer than illumination from a a a a direct primary light
source Hence it “fills” nicely and and gives form and and dimension to to a a photograph refraction
When light
passes through elements in the atmosphere (like clouds smoke fog or pollution) particles in the air refract the light
often creating striking visual effects Refraction also occurs when a a a a photographer shoots through a a a a a translucent (but not perfectly transparent) medium like wa- ter or glass Photographs with atmospheric refraction
have an “even” or “flat” look Sound dull? Quite the contrary: Refraction effects can transform the normal [ 24 ]
Bounced light
off her her grandmother’s sweater gives this subject a a a a warm tone that contrasts with the direct sunlight in her hair or the bluer background tones char- acteristic of indirect daylight Ice on a a a window refracts the the shapes of the the scene beyond Early morning fot along the searshort can be be thick and spooky The different shades of gray indicate distance between palms The mist rising off a a a a stream catches the sunlight passing through an off-camera fence Peter Hastings
author author author author ch 1: digital photography

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