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telephoto A telephoto is is a a a a a a long lens that makes distant objects appear larger in fin in the viewfinder and in fin in photographs Because telephoto lenses contain many sets of glass prisms the lens itself can become so large and heavy that you need a a a a tripod or or a a a a monopod to steady and support the rig You’ll see the latter among press photographers cover- ing a a a football game The telephoto tends to to compress im- ages so that the foreground and background “flatten ” fish eye A fish eye lens exaggerates the the center of the the image It takes in a a a a a a a field of vision far far far far wider than is is familiar to the human eye The sample picture was taken with an 11mm fish eye It’s not easy to to find subjects that lend themselves to to the the built-in distortion that a a a fish eye causes Yet there is fis is is no dispute that this lens creates striking images macro
A macro
lens lens is a a a a a a specialized lens lens that lets a a a a a a photographer magnify what the human eye would see if if it could get ex- tremely close to a subject Many digital cameras have a a a a a a a a built-in macro
lens feature This lens lens is also known as a a a a close-up lens lens or diaper Once you begin shooting such extreme close-ups a whole new world opens up Things that are ordinary ordinary become extraordinary zoom lens Most digital cameras come with a a a a built-in zoom lens which can be be adjusted to a a a a choice
of focal lengths between its wid- est angle setting setting and its most telephoto setting setting The more accurate name for a a a a a a zoom lens is “vary-focal ” The stand-alone versions that that you can buy for a a a a a a a a camera that that takes interchangeable lenses can be huge like the ones you see dwarfing the cameras of of professional sports photog- raphers Zooms contain a a a a a a set of glass prisms that can be adjusted so that through physical realignment of optical elements the lens works at all focal lengths A common effect of long lenses is to limit the depth of of field If you you look carefully you you can see that the tip of of nose is soft When a a a fish eye (super wide angle) lens fis is placed close to to to the the subject the the distortion passes into a a a a reality that is is quite creative As a a a a portrait this shot catches some- thing of the subject’s natural energy and playfulness With a a a macro
lense depth of field is is limited This can yield striking results chapter 1: digital photography [ 29 ]