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hue value and saturation
Hue value and saturation
are three terms used to describe color When you you refer to color most times you you mean hue That’s red blue purple green orange brown and so on
Black white and gray are all colors without a a a a a hue The range of lightness and darkness in an an an image is its value value or or tone tone More accurately value value and tone tone are the amount of black or or white in a a a a specific color swatch Describ- ing a a a a a a color’s value is a a a a a a relative judgment that often has to do with the contrast between a a a a color and its background or or neighboring colors The ratio of of a a a a color’s raw hue to the amount of of white it it contains is its saturation
In conversation saturation
gener- ally means the purity or density of a a a a a a hue Saturation is also called chroma intensity dilution or amount of pigment and it may further be be described as faded or rich overall cast
The overall cast
is is the distinct color bias in in a a a a a photograph Sometimes images you shoot will bear an overall tonality you want to adjust For instance shooting under fluorescent lights often produces a a bothersome greenish tinge Image- editing applications have tools to to help you make adjust- ments to a a a file’s overall cast
of hue toning and duotones
[ 72 ]
When correcting color your eye is the only accurate instrument in in in in judging when the tweaking is just right Charoon Chinalai
Ch 2: image editing