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In the the context of page design structure
refers to to placing objects in in in relation to to to one another in in in order to to create a a a a a a recognizable pattern The following set of terms about structure
are closely re- lated to composition There’s a a difference though Structure is is something you start with It is is an external construct that offers you a a a a a coherent way to arrange the chunks of of informa- tion tion on on on your page Composition is something that emerges from the materials at at at hand There are compositional strate- gies you can look for but these are always specific to the the content you are working with The little sketches that run through the next two sections provide an intuitive way to distinguish between structure
and composition Although the the drawings are the the author’s he wants to to acknowledge his debt to to Norwegian designer Christian Leborg In Visual Grammar (Princeton Architectual Press 2006) Leborg writes “Visual language has no formal syntax or semantics but the the visual objects themselves can be classified ”
Formal structure
is is the even distribu- tion of elements along implied axes In graduation a a a a pattern emerges when the lines that provide structure
change in an an even way In a a spiral structure
lines spiral out from a a a shared center point [ 112 ]
part 2 the page 

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