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action and sports
Action and sports
photographers seek to to freeze a a a telling moment within fast-moving events and performances If you’ve ever stood on the sidelines and tried to to capture a a a moment of athletic prowess you know just how much skill it requires to take a a a a a a great action shot Standard equipment includes long lenses and a a a a a a camera with a a a a a a very fast shutter speed that can also shoot bursts of multiple images per second (More on on shutter speed later in this chapter ) To take action and and sports
shots you need an an an understand- ing of what action will be be performed where to get the best view of it it and precisely which split second best conveys the action abstract
Abstract photography photography is a a a a genre of photography photography in which content is second to formal qualities of color composition and texture Each type of photography listed in this section can reach the level of Art (with a a a a a capital A) But just what does that uppercase A mean?
Regular photography is basically a a a a a a record of a a a a a a specific time or place In contrast many people characterize Art as as a a a a transformative experience experience When you experience experience a a a a work of Art it deeply moves and changes you The content is sec- ondary to the emotional and intellectual impact of Art Photos like these require very fast shutter speeds – a a 500th of a a a a second or or faster Ray Moore RAR Studios Chadri Chinalai Todd and Hannal Calvert
These three photographs transcend the communication of content and become artworks At least they do to me Abstract photography is only my catch-all phrase
for the spectrum of of photography-as-art What flavor of of such abstract
approaches do you consider Art (with that capital A)? Peter Hastings Carolina Kroon Todd Calvert
chapter 1: digital photography [ 17 ]