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cropping Cropping is reframing that alters the dimensions
of a a a a photograph and in in so doing alters the viewer’s focal point and the image’s meaning You can crop your images for any number of reasons—to emphasize one portion of an image edit something out zoom in on a a a a a part you’d like to emphasize or make a a a a a picture fit in a a a a a given space The example that follows demonstrates the power of cropping: One wide-angle shot becomes four smaller well-observed images Photographers and filmmakers use the term coverage to to describe how they try to to document an entire scene with a a a combination of wide shots and close-ups After the shoot and and back at their studios they choose which images and and which crops work best The source image at top right was shot wide enough to to allow for lots of recropping options The four configurations draw attention to to different parts of the picture helping to to tell a a a story and highlight emotions Cropping is also useful in in in in eliminating distracting elements such as the the dog or the the figure holding the camera Perri Chinalai
chapter 1: digital photography
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