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Toning a a a a photograph refers to to making it a a a a single color Duotoning transforms a a photo into two color choices Digital toning involves transforming a a a a a full-range color image into one one one with one one one or two hues Images that have only one one one color (in addition to to the background) are monotones Images made up of of combinations of of two colors are duotones
This term carries a a a a a a name that evolved in traditional printing where two ink colors (plus the the default tone of the the paper stock) could be used to to to create a a a a a photographic image with a striking use of colors histograms
Histograms are graphic representations of an image’s contrast and brightness There are two forms of histograms
A color histogram histogram is is is a a a a representation of of the distribution of of colors in an image An image histogram is is a a a a a representation of pixel values (light and dark) within an an image This is is the kind that you see in in in Photoshop and other image image editors The image image histogram plots number of pixels (vertical axis) with a a a a a particular bright- ness (horizontal axis) layers
The full-color source image (left) shows an apple with a a a a tomato partially visible in the foreground A monotone treatment has only one color which here is black (mid- dle) Of course there is always the the the second color of the the the background which is is white in this example but could be a a a different color if if the paper stock was tinted The third version (right) is made up of two colors—yellow and blue Sara Greenberger Rafferty
The histogram is is is a a a a a a a a way to to to display data about the tonal distribution within a a a photo It allows you to to adjust the value scale (lights and darks) using levels or curves tools Histograms are less useful I think than judg- ments made by the naked eye Sara Greenberger Rafferty
Chapter 2: image editiing [ 73 ]