Page 19 - OctoberSpotlight
P. 19

   We are Charity.......
NPH: Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos
    A trip with a sugary difference! Our trusty explorers visited NPH in the campo of San Pedro de Macorís. After a personal tour of the amazing NPH site, and Cecy and Alejandra cutting up hundreds of oranges to make juice, Natalie and company sampled the fruits of the canefields taking in a tour of an industry that, in this area remains extensive.
Cane was first planted in the early 1600s and became the major export industry. Haitian labourers still work the fields. Pay and living conditions are very poor. To reflect the past success of sugarcane, Dominicans still speak of cane as currency,
“¡Eso costó mucha caña!
What a great day out! Thank you to Natalie.

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