Page 3 - OctoberSpotlight
P. 3

  Letter from our President
  Dear IWC ladies,
We have already started our IWC year and I am
thrilled to see how many of you are coming to the meetings, participating in our events, helping in our charities and living the experiences that IWC has to offer.
Our life is defined not by our possessions, but by the accumulation of EXPERIENCES we have lived: places we have been; everything we have seen; all we have done and the impact on the people we have met along the way.
These are the factors of life that create and shape our identity.
Our group has 130 ladies from 30 different countries, all from different backgrounds and we have the good fortune of sharing two things: we live in the Dominican Republic and we are members of the IWC. These two things will change our lives forever. We will never be the same after this. Our group allows us to grow and to enrich one another. It is a blessing.
So, today, I would like to thank IWC for providing me with this wonderful opportunity of getting to know you and sharing these beautiful moments with you all. Thank you for enriching my life. I hope to be able to do my part and do the same for you!
Have a wonderful month!
   Mission: Strengthening the bonds of friendship, aiding integration into society whilst contributing to the host community at large.

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