Page 16 - REMAX of Southeastern Michigan Regional Matters • Summer 2020
P. 16
JanUaRY 2020 - MaRCh 2020
oUR MEMBERShiPcontinues to grow with nearly 1,000 agents! Congratulations to all of our Broker/Owners on their hard work and thank you to all Sales Associates who have referred agents to their offices.
RE/MaX Classic
Katherine Baker Karin Crabtree Jennifer Egan Arin Hoekstra Donna Magliulo
RE/MaX Cornerstone
April Roland
RE/MaX defined
Eva Morrow Vineeta Rastogi Robert Zaleski Kiley Zemmer
RE/MaX diamond
Greg Taylor
RE/MaX First
Dan Collins Zach Haun Melissa Walton
RE/MaX home Sale Services Phil Iott
RE/MaX Leading Edge
Verdonn Gulledge Ali Karkaba Nazveen Rahman David Vazquez
RE/MaX Masters
Tracey Solomon Lorraine Stein
RE/MaX Suburban
Jake Gaudard Tony Major Crystal Schmidt
RE/MaX team 2000
Alex Saad Ali Sobh Tarek Sobh
RE/MaXdreamProperties RE/MaXnewtrend
Robert Higgs Justine Navarre
RE/MaX Eclipse
Dan Binkowski Amanda Bradley Michael Gould Andreanna Grillo Allison McClintick Tiffany Rushlow Kate Russell
Terri Bloom Mieko Knee Justin Watson
RE/MaX nexus
Ken Gaffga
RE/MaX Showcase homes
Cory Esterline
If you are not listed above, please accept our apology and contact the regional office immediately so that we can update our records. All names are taken directly from iFranchise.
16 RE/MaX oF SoUthEaStERn MiChigan