Page 2 - REMAX of Southeastern Michigan Regional Matters • Summer 2020
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5 MiChiganSnaPShot RE/MAX agents in Michigan are experienced and productive!
6 adWERXand LiSting aUtoMation Tools to help you win and promote listings.
 9 ihEaRtMEdia
A strong partnership keeping our brand in front of consumers.
 Jeanette Schneider
Every summer has a story. Looking back, you may fondly remember the summer you got married or the summer you bought the boat. Perhaps your summers are marked by the family vacation or camping trips you take. Life’s moments – big and small–makeupoursummerstory. So,whatwill your summer story be for 2020?
We certainly encourage you to make time this summer to enjoy life and make memories with your family because family comes first. At the same time, you are all independent business people as
well and you need to keep your business growing and moving forward during the next few months as well.
Right now, you are busy with buyers and sellers that put things on hold in spring. It is easy when there is business in front of you to neglect doing the prospecting, marketing, follow-up, conversion, and other activities necessary to continue to fillyourpipelinewithfuturebusiness. Butnowisthetimetofocusonfillingup your pipeline to ensure continued and consistent business in the coming months.
The best, and often easiest way to grow your business is to take a look at what is already working and do more of that. Many RE/MAX agents cite repeat and referral business as their biggest lead source. This makes sense as the average RE/MAX agent has 15 years of experience and hundreds of past clients. But while this is your biggest lead source, are you getting all the business from it youcan? TheFirstapp,aproductavailablerightnowfor90daysfree,usesyour existing contact database in your phone to find the people most likely to buy a home in the near future. Take advantage of this tool now to identify who in your database you need to be talking to right now. You can learn more about this app on page 12 of this newsletter.
And once a month we are offering a digital training called Timely Tools that gives an overview on the newest and most relevant tools today and how they can help your business.
This summer also provides the opportunity for all of us to take a stand and make a change. As this is being written, there are protests to address the injustice that somanyinourcommunity’sface. Atatimeofuncertainty,whetherfromsocial unrest or pandemic, we have the opportunity to be the voice of reason and agentsforchange. Letourvoicesandactionscontinuetostandwithand support everyone in our community.
Jeanette Schneider
Executive vice President/Regional director RE/MaX of Southeastern Michigan
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