Page 2 - REMAX of Southeastern Michigan Regional Matters • Winter 2021
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7 THEBESTOFRE/MAX Our top 10 individuals and teams through the month of November, 2020.
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FROM Jeanette Schneider
Happy New Year! There is something about the beginning of the year that makes anything seem possible. Whether it is the completed business plan you have created to guide your business in the year ahead or just the thought of having a fresh start to write a new chapter of your life, January gives us the gift of having a clean slate to write our story on.
Perhaps we will never relish the idea of a fresh year more than moving in 2021. 2020 was a year filled with both challenges and victories.
We could not have imagined a year ago that we would face a global pandemic, have our industry shut down at the beginning of our busiest season and be required to adjust our face-to-face, relationship business into something a bit more virtual and distanced. But through all the challenges, you remained focused, found a way to do business and you thrived.
As so many things in our life began to get modified, what become more important than ever was home. Home was no longer the place we came to at the end of the day, it was truly our sanctuary. It was the one place we could feel safe. Home became our office, school, entertainment, and recreation center and more.
It has always been an honor to help someone buy or sell their home, but this past year these purchases took on a new and even deeper meaning. You should be proud of all the families you helped to buy or sell a home last year. These clients put their trust in you to help them and you delivered results for them. You calmed the nerves of stressed-out buyers and helped sellersfeelcomfortablebringingbuyersintotheirhomes. Youwerethe local expert who provided market knowledge and your own personal guidance and support.
I enjoyed seeing many of you post photos from closings congratulating your clients. Although the smiles were often covered by masks, it was great to see the focus put on the clients and how excited you were for them. This attitude of service to your clients is what sets RE/MAX agents apart. RE/MAX agents are the most professional, most experienced, most educated agents intheindustryandweoutproduceourcompetition2to1. Youarethe reason for those stats. We would not be anywhere without each of you and we are grateful to have you be a part of RE/MAX.
We want to take this opportunity to thank you for everything you did to make 2020 an amazing year. We wish you health, happiness and continued success in 2021.
Jeanette Schneider
Executive Vice President/Regional Director RE/MAX of Southeastern Michigan