Page 18 - REMAX – Fall 2017 Regional Matters
P. 18

RE/MAX of Southeastern Michigan
Attract and Retain New Clients through
Cause Marketing
Take advantage of our partnership with Children’s Miracle Network by donating through the Miracle HomeSystem. Herearethewaystoattractnewandretainexistingclients:
• A $25 donation allows you to send an honor card to your client as a closing gift, letting them know you made a donation to Children’s Miracle Network on their behalf.
• With a donation of $500.00 or more in a calendar year through the Miracle Home System, you achieveMiracleAgentStatus. MiracleAgentsarerecognizedwithacertificateofappreciation and unique marketing collateral to set themselves apart in the market, such as:
• Use of CMN logo on all marketing materials
• Use of Miracle Sign Rider on yard signs
• Listings can be designated as miracle listings through LeadStreet
Holiday Honor Cards available starting November 1st!
Beginning November 1st, 2017, holiday honor cards will be available through the Miracle Home System. What a great way to connect with your clients through the holiday season.
Simply login to the Miracle Home SystemthroughMAXCenter. Once you are in the system, select “Create Honor Card”.

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