Page 2 - REMAX of Southeastern Michigan • 2019 Fall Regional Matters
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  Looking back on second quarter, numbers show that we experienced somewhat of a sluggish market. In the month of June, one of our busiest months of the year, we saw the number of homes on the market slip 4.4%. With that said, I want to reassure you that whatever the market conditions may be, we have the branding, tools and opportunities available to make sure your business stays strong.
We continue to brand the RE/MAX name throughout southeast Michigan on billboards and on radio through the end of the year, keeping the RE/MAX name top of mind with consumers who are looking to buy or sell a home. Of course, our tools like ACE, Adwerx and Design Center Listing Automation continue to give you presence in the digital world and help you get listings and market homes. And don’t forget our RE/MAX Real Estate Insights radio show that airs every Thursday night on 760 am WJR which gives our agents the opportunity to share with consumers their area of expertise.
Despite the market conditions, one thing I know is RE/MAX agents are generous. I’m proud to say that as of August 31st, we have reached more than 50% of our fundraising goal for the RE/MAX Communication Preschool program which is part of our partnership with Children’s Miracle Network. We have some amazing agents and offices that havegoneaboveandbeyondtomakethishappen. Their passion and dedication to this partnership is truly amazing.
RE/MAX agents are experienced, strong and resilient. I’m proud to be part of an extraordinary group of professionals and whatever the market brings, I am confident RE/MAX will continue to be number one!
Wishing you all great success.
Magnus Sublett Regional Owner and CEO
regional matters
Put our market share graph into your listing presentation.
Build credibility with the RE/MAX hot air balloon in your own community.

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