Page 11 - REMAX of Southeastern Michigan 2018 Fall Regional Matters
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Design Center Listing Automation - Saving you
time and helping you get listings.
Listing automation, our newest enhancement to Design Center works to save you time on creating marketing pieces to promote your listings. Additionally, you can wow your potential clients letting them know that within 24 – 48 hours of getting their listing you will be promoting it with eight different marketing pieces! New marketing packages are also automatically created for your open houses, price reductions, and sale of the property. Here’s how it works:
• Within24-48hoursagentreceivesemailstatingmarketingpackageisready.
• Customizedmarketingmaterialsandinstructionsonhowtoeditandputtheitemstouseareincludedintheemail. • Additionalmarketingpackagesarecreatedforopenhouse,pricereduction,andsold.
Full marketing package is created once your listing is entered into the MLS.
Another marketing package is created for open house or price reduction.
Final marketing package is created once the property is sold.
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