Page 13 - REMAX of Southeastern Michigan–2019 Spring Regional Matters
P. 13

  Awards Gala – Top 10
 top 10 Individuals Based on Commission
1. SherriSaad
2. MariaMcGuire 3. EddieMallad 4. SusanVogel 5. Crystalhalley 6. AliciaCloutier 7. Rodgerdabish 8. Jeffdarwish 9. MikeAyoub 10. Robert Coburn
 top 10 Individuals Based on transactions
1. SherriSaad
2. SonnyMandough 3. omarGhazzawi 4. Jeffdarwish
5. GlennSilvenis
6. MariaMcGuire
7. RobertCoburn
8. Zenchen
9. MarkNasser
10. dean Agius
   top 10 teams Based on Commission 1. Mike&MaryGladchun
2. PaulMruk
3. theIntegrityteam 4. NexusGroup
5. theloriBeattyteam 6. thedougShawteam 7. MillerteamRealtors 8. Jameykramer
9. teamMartin
10. Zemens-Inger team
 top 10 teams Based on transactions
1. Zemens-Ingerteam 2. woelkersGroup
3. theIntegrityteam 4. PaulMruk
5. theAgnelloteam
6. NexusGroup
7. MillerteamRealtors 8. teamMartin
9. Mike&MaryGladchun 10. the Raffin team
 SPRING 2019 13

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