Page 17 - REMAX of Southeastern Michigan–2019 Spring Regional Matters
P. 17

A Special thank You from the kase Family
  Charlie and Danny Kase -
RE/MAX Communication Preschool Program Scholarship Recipients
SPRING 2019 17
Words cannot describe how thankful we are for the funding that RE/MAX provides for children in need
of speech and language help. Despite having “good insurance,” our plan did not cover my oldest son, Charlie’s, moderate speech and articulation delay or his little brother, Danny’s, moderate articulation delay due to frontal and lateral lisps.
The scholarships we’ve received have truly changed my sons’ lives. Charlie was able to attend the Communication preschool through Beaumont that encouraged his speech development and corrected his articulation errors. He graduated speech preschool and moved on to a typical preschool where his teachers were shocked to learn he’d had any speech issues. The preschool here not only resolved his speech issues, but properly and excellently prepared him for typical preschool. At all of our conferences at his typical preschool, they would comment on how Charlie had fantastic phonemic awareness, which I know was thanks to the Communication Preschool at Beaumont and the RE/MAX agents. He is now in first grade.
Danny is now four and has been getting speech treatment with Ms. Lauren since September of 2017. He was later able to attend the Communication preschool as well. He has made great progress. His frontal lisp has been resolved and his lateral lisps have come a long way. He is able to speak and be understood. So much of his frustration is gone. I am so thankful that he has the opportunity to both learn in a school setting while working to resolve his speech issues.
We are so thankful for the expertise we have received from our Beaumont specialists. Ms. Beth, Ms. Erin, and Ms. Sara at the Communication Preschool all work so well with Danny and help him work on his speech needs while also teaching him the skills he needs from a preschool. The program is truly top notch. I know that he will be well prepared to enter elementary school.
Without the funding from RE/MAX, we would not be able to afford all the services we receive from the
speech department and our kids would not have celebrated the successes they’ve achieved. We are so very thankful for the care we receive and difference that has been made in our children’s lives. Thank you so very much to RE/MAX!
The Kase Family

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