Page 2 - REMAX of Southeastern Michigan–2019 Spring Regional Matters
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  regional matters
RE/MAX in Michigan holds #1 market share eight years in a row.
6 NEwFoRYouIN2019
New tools to help you promote your listings and your business.
11 RE/MAX REAl EStAtE INSIGhtS Show Get your name on our billboards.
12 2019 AwARdS GAlA Top 10 lists and more!
 Great things happen when professional, experienced agents like yourselves come together under the roof of the powerhouse RE/MAX brand. As a matter of fact, so great that once again we hold the #1 market share in the state of Michigan among the top six brands. And I am proud to say that we have now held this position for eight years in a row. It’s your hard work, knowledge and experience combined with all the great tools, technology and programs that come with your RE/MAX membership that make us the leader in the industry.
The regional leadership team stays committed to researching and providing the very best tools, technologies and programs to your membership so that you have everything you need to manage and grow your business in the ever-changing landscape of real estate. New programs this year like Adwerx, a technology that automatically promotes your new listings on social sites and popular websites, and our new personal car advertising program that will keep your name in front and center of consumers every day.
I would like to point out that your hard work not only does great things for our market share, but it also does great things for our partnership with Children’s Miracle Network. I would like to thank every one of you that contributed to CMN in 2018. Because of your generosity we were able to donate nearly $150,000 to the RE/MAX Communication Preschool Program at the end of 2018.
Thank you for your membership and I look forward to seeing what we can accomplish together in 2019
Wishing you all great success.
Magnus Sublett Regional owner and CEo

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