Page 10 - REMAX of Southeastern Michigan Regional Matters – Fall 2020
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How to get started with Megaphone:
1. MakesureyourMLSIdislistedinyourMAXCenterProfile
• Click on profile image in upper left corner of MAX Center
• Select Update Profile
• Scroll down Profile Overview menu located on left side of screen and select MLS Affiliation. Follow the steps to confirm or
add your MLS ID under your MLS affiliation.
2. SelectMegaphoneApprightfromMAXCenter
3. Selectthetypeofadyouwanttocreate(weborsocial)
4. Upload ad from Photofy, RE/MAX Hustle, or your own custom ad for web ads. Or, select the already created listing ad for a paid listing ad for social media.
5. Selectbudget,makepayment,andyouareallset!
6. Youcanseehowyouradsareperformingandcansharethatperformancewithyourclients.
Megaphone is a digital ad platform that RE/MAX brought in house. You can create beautiful ads to be placed across the web and social media with just a few clicks. This tool allows you to create web ads to promote yourself or your listings within a certain zip code radius based on consumer searches. Or, you can place paid social ads for your listings across Google, Facebook, Instagram and Waze.
To Learn More About Megaphone
• Go to RE/MAX University (located on MAX Center) and search on Megaphone for various training videos and webinars.
• Sign up for our Marketing Digitally class at