Page 19 - REMAX of Southeastern Michigan Regional Matters – Fall 2020
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The Agent Advisor is a weekly communication that comes into your email inbox every Tuesday from RE/MAX of Southeastern Michigan. This is a great way to keep you “in the loop” on upcoming events, marketing strategies, technology and so much more. Be sure to add to your address book and set up your email address to ensure you receive this valuable communication.
Not only is LeadStreet your source for free leads and a tool to build your personal website, but this site is a source of valuable information regarding the region. When you log into LeadStreet, be sure to check out your personal dashboard. Here you will find links to our Facebook page, top 10 listings, market share report and more! LeadStreet can be accessed by logging onto MAX Center and selecting the LeadStreet app.
You can find RE/MAX of Southeastern Michigan on all of your favorite social channels. Search on RE/MAX of Southeastern Michigan across these channels to see happenings, events, trainings and more! Be sure to like and share too!
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