Page 2 - REMAX of Southeastern Michigan Regional Matters – Fall 2020
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Be sure to share in your listing presentation.
Our top 10 individuals and teams through the month of August.
9 NEWAWARDCATEGORIES Exciting new categories added by LLC.
 FROM Jeanette Schneider
Achangeofseasonisunderway. Wecanfeelitin the temperatures, see it in the leaves and taste it in the flavor of pumpkin spice. At this time of year, it isn’t uncommon for folks to say “I’m not ready for this”. They may mean they aren’t ready for summer to end or for the upcoming holiday season...or perhaps both.
When it comes to your business you may also be feelingasenseof“I’mnotreadyforthis”. Maybe you aren’t ready to have 3 months left to hit your financial, transactional or personal goals which are often calendar based and you know there is
limited time left to achieve what you set out to accomplish. Maybe you aren’t ready for the marketing you intend to do towards year-end to stay in touch with clients.
If you have any sense of an “I’m not ready for this” feeling, I challenge you tousethatfeelingtoempoweryouintoaction. Don’tlookatitasyouonly have three months, look at it as you have a whole quarter of the year to go and what can you do to finish the year strong.
Did you reach out to clients back in early Spring during the early days of Covid to check on them but haven’t called them since? Now is a good time to do another round of calls or texts to top past clients and sphere of influence. Even better, do a short video on the state of the local markets you serve and text that out. Don’t let those calls/texts months ago be a one- time event. Your past clients and sphere should generate a minimum of 10% of your business in any year but to accomplish that means staying in touch with them consistently. (Tip: Photofy has a video template tool that helps you create branded, professional looking videos quickly.)
Creating and sharing content socially and digitally has never been more important. Between the First app, MegaPhone and Photofy, ACE and Adwerx there are several tools available to you to help you easily stay socially active. If you aren’t familiar with these tools, please attend our Marketing Digitally class to learn more.
It isn’t how you start but how you finish that matters. As you start the last quarter of the year, keep in mind Super Bowl LI, better known as the 28-3 game featuring the Patriots versus the Falcons. At halftime the Patriots weredown28-3wellintothethirdquarter. Thentheycameroaringbackto tie the game with :57 seconds left and won the game in overtime.
If you look at your business as a football game, you are starting the 4th quarterandyouhaveplentyoftimetomakeahugeimpact. It’swhatyou do with your 4th quarter that matters. And remember, the action you take now will also impact your business in 2021. So you can both finish this year strong and set yourself up for success in 2021.
Jeanette Schneider
Executive Vice President/Regional Director RE/MAX of Southeastern Michigan

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