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NAME: EDMOND ANDOH MENSAH                    INDEX NUMBER: 8131919

                              MY PHILOSOPHY  OF ICT EDUCATION

               Information  and Communication  Technology  in  education  is a type of education  that use

               information  and communications  technology  to support and optimise  the  delivery  of information.

               ICT can lead to an improved  student  learning  and better teaching  methods.

                       Therefore,  as an ICT teacher  my philosophy  is  to help students use technology as a tool for

               research, problem solving and communication rather than the normal way of teaching

               students how to operate computers. My understanding  in teaching  ICT is more than just

               teaching  them  the various  components  of the computer,  using  the internet  for research  or using

               the Microsoft  word for creating  documents.  Even  though  they are important  skills  that need to be

               taught  but my  understanding  in ICT is that my students  must  acquire  skills  that will  help  them

               use technologies  to solve problems  in  order to fit  in this  modern era. I will  help  my students  to

               acquire  certain  ICT skills  which  they  can transfer  and apply  when solving  problems  and be able

               to complete  their  various  tasks. I will  create a conducive  environment  where students  will  be able

               to use computers  and other technologies  creatively  and purposefully.  I will  help my  students  to

               know the type of problems  and situations  the can use the computer  and other technological  tools

               to solve.   I will  also help  my students  to use technology  to make communications  easy and

               effective.  Mostly  students  are taught  how to use technological  tool like  mobile  phones  to make

               calls  but we have  several  ways of communicating  which  are very  effective.  I will  help  my

               students  to acquire  basic skills  that will  help them  use the computer  to communicate  effectively.

                     This  is my  philosophy  as an ICT teacher and I know by helping  my  students  acquire  these

               skills  and knowledge  they  will  fit  in this  our modern  era and help  change  the world as we all

               want it to be.