Page 1 - Pontiac Interior
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Interior - Paper work Items



           68-72 Pre-Delivery Sheets                                                    Mini For Sale Signs
         These were the inspection delivery sheets that were filled out on  INL11951  Pn# - INL12003 -1Sheet   $6.00 Set
         all new cars at all Pontiac dealerships to inspect the car when it
         came from the factory & was included in new car paperwork. This          Mini FOR SALE Signs - 2 (5"x4") 3 (3.5"x3"). Perfect for car
         is two page carbon transfer paper.                                       shows or where a subtle sign is needed. Add text with label maker.
         Pn# - INL11068 -1pc    $8.00 Ea
         1968 Pontiac (All Models) GTO, Firebird Dealer Pre-delivery  1967-79 Window Stickers
         Sheets  - Carbon transfer, factory correct.
                                              These window stickers were placed on the driver side window.
         Pn# - INL11069 -1pc    $8.00 Ea      They can be feed into a laser or ink jet printer to print your car
         1969 Pontiac (All Models) GTO, Firebird Dealer Pre-delivery  information on to them. This is an exact reproduction of the one
                                              page sheet and are exact size.
         Sheets  - Carbon transfer, factory correct.
                                              Pn# - INL11949 -1pc    $4.50 Ea
         Pn# - INL11070 -1pc    $8.00 Ea      1963-66 Pontiac (all models) Dealer Window Price Sticker
         1970 Pontiac (All Models) GTO, Firebird Dealer Pre-delivery
         Sheets  - Carbon transfer, factory correct.  Pn# - INL11950 -1pc   $4.50 Ea
         Pn# - INL11071 -1pc    $8.00 Ea      1967 Pontiac (all models) Dealer Window Price Sticker  Visit us and our products on the road.
         1971 Pontiac (All Models) GTO, Firebird Dealer Pre-delivery  Pn# - INL11951 -1pc   $4.50 Ea  We do over 30 events a year.
         Sheets  - Carbon transfer, factory correct.
                                              1968-69 Pontiac (all models) Dealer Window Price Sticker
         Pn# - INL11072 -1pc    $8.00 Ea
         1972 Pontiac (All Models) GTO, Firebird Dealer Pre-delivery  Pn# - INL11952 -1pc   $4.50 Ea
         Sheets  - Carbon transfer, factory correct.  1970 Pontiac (all models) Dealer Window Price Sticker
                                              Pn# - INL11953 -1pc    $4.50 Ea
                INL11946     INL11947
                                              1971 Pontiac (all models) Dealer Window Price Sticker
                                              Pn# - INL11954 -1pc    $4.50 Ea
                                              1972-73 Pontiac (all models) Dealer Window Price Sticker
                                                                                     68 Pontiac Warranty Card
                                              Pn# - INL11955 -1pc    $4.50 Ea      Pn# - INL11975 -1pc  $9.00 Ea
                                              1974-76 Pontiac (all models) Dealer Window Price Sticker
                                                                                   1968 Pontiac, GTO, Firebird New Car Warranty Fold Out.
                                              Pn# - INL11956 -1pc    $4.50 Ea      Glove Box Item -  This was in every new 68 Pontiac.
                                              1977-79 Pontiac (all models) Dealer Window Price Sticker

          73-75 Pre - Delivery Sheets
         These were the inspection delivery sheets that were filled out on
         all new cars at all Pontiac dealerships to inspect the car when it
         came from the factory. This inspection sheet was filled out by the
         dealer and included in your new car paperwork.  This is an exact
         reproduction of the one page sheet. A must for your paperwork               69 Pontiac Warranty Card
                                                                                   Pn# - INL11775 -1pc  $16.00 Ea
         Pn# - INL11946 -1pc    $5.00 Ea
         1973 Pontiac (all models) GTO, Firebird dealer pre-delivery sheet  Window Sticker Tape  1969 Pontiac, GTO, Firebird New Car Warranty Fold Out  8 1/2"x
                                                                                   16" . Glove Box Item. This was in every new 69 Pontiac.
         Pn# - INL11947 -1pc    $5.00 Ea      Pn# - INL10740 - 1pc  $12.00 Ea
         1974 Pontiac (all models) GTO, Firebird dealer pre-delivery sheet  1960-77 GM Factory Window Sticker 2 Sided Tape. Used to attach
                                              the window sticker on the edges and other window decals, 25 Ft.
         Pn# - INL11948 -1pc    $5.00 Ea
         1975 Pontiac (all models) GTO, Firebird dealer pre-delivery sheet

                          At Inline Tube your
                          credit card is only
                          processed after the  Pontiac Historical Services           70 Pontiac Warranty Card
                          parts are made and  By supplying PHS with the VIN of your car, you will receive the
                          ready for shipment,  complete historical background and option sheet all for $50.00  Pn# - INL11974 -1pc  $12.00 Ea
                          never weeks before.  Contact: WWW.PHS-ONLINE.COM or fax you info to (586) 781-  1970 Pontiac, GTO, Firebird New Car Warranty Fold Out  8 1/2"x
                                              5167 or Mail it to: PO BOX 183251, Shelby Twp, MI 48318  16" . Glove Box Item -  This was in every new 70 Pontiac.

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