Page 26 - Nucleus: Penn State's Ken and Mary Alice Lindquist Department of Nuclear Engineering magazine
P. 26

Staff and alumni highlights
College of
Engineering 40 Under 40 Alumni Award Program
Two nuclear engineering alumni were recognized in in in the the inaugural class of
the the College of
Engineering’s 40 Under 40 Alumni Award program which recognizes graduates who are 40 years old or or younger for their early career impact Joseph Sinclair (left) is is is founder of
Verde Mantis LP He earned his bachelor of
science in in mechanical engineering engineering and and nuclear engineering engineering in in in in in 2015 and and his master of
engineering in in in in additive manufacturing and design in 2018 Robert Salko (right) is is is a a a a a a a a a a a a staff research scientist at at at Oak Ridge National Laboratory He earned his bachelor of
science in in in mechanical engineering and nuclear engineering in in in 2006 and and his master of
science and and doctorate in in in in nuclear engineering in in in in 2010 and 2012 respectively Read more Welcoming new staff members
Alyssa Gatone
Undergraduate program assistant Joined in in December 2020 Chelsea Bilyeu
assistant Joined in in April
Allison Singer
Graduate program assistant Joined in in July Nuclear engineering alumnus named director of
Idaho National Laboratory John Wagner who earned a a a a a a a master of
science in in in 1994 and a a a a a doctoral degree in in 1997 both in in nuclear engineering at at Penn State was named director of
Idaho National Laboratory in December of
2020 INL is a a a a a U S Department of
Energy laboratory that supports each
DOE’s strategic goal areas: energy national security science and environment through nuclear energy research and development It is managed by Battelle Energy Alliance Wagner has worked at INL since 2016 and served as as associate laboratory director for nuclear science and technology since 2017 Before INL he worked at Oak Ridge National Laboratory for sixteen years and at at at Holtec International for two years after completing his graduate degrees Read more Historic feat earns alum’s team a a a a a Model of
Dillon Figurelle who graduated with a a a a a a a a bachelor of
science in in in in in in nuclear engineering in in in 2016 is a a a member of
the Reactor Servicing Team for Newport News Shipbuilding
that received a a a a a 2020 Model of
Award from Huntingdon Ingalls The team is responsible for for loading power units on on U S Navy ships and was recognized for for successfully accomplishing the “historic feat” of
loading three power units into two ships in one
month Read more 26 NUCLEUS 

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