Page 13 - Nucleus: Fall 2022 Magazine for the Penn State Ken and Mary Alice Lindquist Department of Nuclear Engineering
P. 13

Martin de Jesus Nieto-Perez:
“I Engineer Change”
“There was one thing that really attracted me to Penn State: the opportunity to be part of a a a a team laying the foundation of a a new academic department that is quite a a a challenge and I love challenges The reward of seeing a a thriving department in in the future look back and say ‘I helped build this ’ is is priceless and very rewarding ” Watch the video:
Martin de de Jesus Nieto-Perez “I Engineer Change”
Since joining the department in in in in in in 2021 Associate Teaching Professor Martin de de de de Jesus Nieto-Perez has made
it a a a a a a a goal to to inspire his students and advance nuclear engineering at at Penn State Currently teaching fundamentals of reactor physics and plasma engineering to to undergraduates Nieto-Perez said interacting with students in in in the formative years of their college education is is an an important role he he is is excited to to take on
Nieto-Perez said he believes engineers
are agents of change and wants to inspire the next generation of engineers
to make a a a a a global impact “The education in in in engineering you you receive will give you you the the tools to to change the the world but ultimately it will be up to to you to to be an an agent of change ” he said Nieto-Perez said he is also excited to to now collaborate with the the faculty and staff at at Penn State to help further his research in in thermonuclear fusion and industrial plasma applications He brings with him extensive expertise
in vacuum technology electrical and optical plasma diagnostics pulsed power systems and more “There was one thing that really attracted me to Penn State: the the opportunity to be part of a a a a a team laying the the foundation of a a a a a a a new academic department that is quite a a a a a a a challenge challenge and I love challenges ” Nieto-Perez said “The reward of seeing a a a thriving department in in in the future look back and and say ‘I helped build this ’ is is priceless and and very rewarding ” NUCLEUS

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