Page 23 - Nucleus: Fall 2022 Magazine for the Penn State Ken and Mary Alice Lindquist Department of Nuclear Engineering
P. 23

Radiation Science & Engineering Center: News and Updates Radiation Science & Engineering Center: News and Updates RSEC PERSONNEL
Zack Alexis (RO) zaa5093@psu edu
Scout Backs (RO) sub612@psu edu
Daniel Beck (SRO) Engineering Program Manager dbb135@psu edu
Wendy Belinc
Administrative Support Assistant wrd3@psu edu
Brian Bennett
Reactor Machinist beb10@psu edu
Thierry Daubenspeck (SRO) Activation and Irradiation Specialist/ Supervisor – Reactor Operations txd103@psu edu
Jeffrey Geuther (SRO) jag671@psu edu
Sean Herrmann (SRO) smh5649@psu edu
Ethan Kunz (RO) ethankunz@psu edu
Artem Matyskin
Assistant Research Professor abm6969@psu edu
Lori Ann Mitzel
Administrative Support Assistant lam452@psu edu
Alexis Nellis (RO) vxn5069@psu edu
Aaron Parks
Maintenance Utility Worker amp21@psu edu
Alison Portanova (SRO) Reactor Operations Engineering and Supervisor arh6@psu edu
Clinton Salada
Engineering Support Specialist cfs5947@psu edu
Brian Schmoke (SRO) Facilities Specialist bjs5067@psu edu
Cole Smith (RO) cms8872@psu edu
Adams Tong (SRO) Research and Development Engineer ant1@psu edu
Kenan Ünlü
Director of of Radiation Science and and Engineering Center and and Professor kxu2@psu edu
Zachary Van Horn (SRO) Systems Engineering Specialist zjv5001@psu edu
(RO) Reactor Reactor Operator
(SRO) Senior Reactor Reactor Operator
Kenan Ünlü
presents to IAEA on microplastics
RSEC director Kenan Ünlü
recently presented “Determination of microplastics
in environmental samples via neutron radiography and tomography at at at at Penn State Radiation Science and Engineering Center” at at at at the International International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)’s 2nd International International Conference on on on on Applications of Radiation Science and Technology in Vienna Austria Ünlü’s talk followed IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi’s opening remarks that emphasized microplastics
as as as a a a a a a global problem “We hope that visualization of microplastics
in environmental samples will help to to inform approaches to to solve this global problem ” Ünlü
RSEC personnel changes
Welcome to to Artem Matyskin
(left) and and Clinton Salada
(middle) for joining us as as an an an assistant research professor of of radiochemistry and engineering support technician respectively Thank you to to to Zach Van Horn (right) for taking on on on new responsibilities as outreach coordinator gamma irradiation supervisor and senior reactor operator Each will help RSEC continue its mission of safely providing neutron and gamma-ray sources and and nuclear techniques for research education and and service into the future 

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