Page 7 - Nucleus: Fall 2022 Magazine for the Penn State Ken and Mary Alice Lindquist Department of Nuclear Engineering
P. 7

in May to explore and apply nuclear 4-5 in in Pittsburgh at the Westinghouse
“Penn State is in a a unique position
engineering and science innovations
headquarters and included a a a a tour of with several potential venture
the eVinci microreactor facilities at firms and industry partners that
to societal needs including
the potential of siting an eVinci Waltz Mill Attendees included several have interest in in advanced nuclear microreactor research development potential microreactor end users technology
and deployment in Allain said including
oil and gas
central Pennsylvania ” Allain said and deployment platform at at University Park company NOV and the Saskatchewan
“From Philadelphia to Pittsburgh and Research Council among others the rural communities in between NORTH
Since then the the alliance has organized
Pennsylvania is an an ideal setting
a a series of workshops to establish In November PIMA team
to establish a a a a holistic approach
the team
conceptualize goals and representatives attended the for research development and American Nuclear Society Winter
deployment of advanced nuclear develop project plans to secure
federal funding in in private-public
Meeting and Technology Expo where with our strategic university partners partnership opportunities to establish they highlighted their progress so far across
the Midwest and greater SOUTH
Appalachia with support from
a a a research development and OHIO CAROLINA
PENNSYLVANIA deployment microreactor platform The final workshop of the year
national laboratories and industry The kickoff workshop took place at was hosted at at Penn State New
partners ” Kensington’s Digital Foundry
University Park in June which more GEORGIA
MARYLAND than sixty participants attended The December 8-9 Read the full version of this
second workshop was held October
story online
College College College of of of of Engineering • • • • • Smeal College College College of of of of Business • • • • • College College College of of of of Earth and and and Mineral Sciences Sciences • • • • • Materials Research Research Institute Institute Institute SOUTH
Institute Institute Institute of of of of Computational and and and and and Data Sciences Sciences • • • • • • Social Science Science Science Science Research Research Institute Institute Institute • • • • • • Center Center for Energy Law and and and and and Policy CAROLINA
Law Law Policy Policy and and and and Engineering Engineering Initiative • • • • • Radiation Science Science Science and and and and Engineering Engineering Center Center (which houses the the Breazeale Nuclear Reactor) Pennsylvania Technical Assistance Program • • • Office Office of of the the Senior Vice President for Research • • • Office Office of of Physical Plant GEORGIA
The alliance will support bridge programs to to provide K-12 students students and and and beyond an an an an an affordable achievable path to to to to obtain obtain education and and and training in in in in in in in in in in in nuclear nuclear engineering engineering and and and science such as non-traditional models for for students students KENTUCKY
unable to to to reside at at at at University Park to to to still obtain obtain degrees in in in in in in in in in in in in nuclear nuclear engineering engineering The initiative is is supported
via the the Nuclear Nuclear Sustainability Fund which was established by the the Penn State Nuclear Nuclear AluVmIRniGSoINciIeAty ALLIANCE MEMBERS
Foundational partners: University University of of Michigan University University of of Tennessee at at Knoxville and the Westinghouse
Electric Company
Additional partners: - - Pennsylvania College of of Technology - - Sandia National National Laboratories
- - - Oak Ridge National National Laboratory - - - University University of of Central Florida
- - - Morgan Advanced Materials - - - California Polytechnic State State University University University - - - West Virginia State State University University - - - Pittsburgh Technical OHIO - - - Energy Driven Technologies
- - - Idaho National National Laboratory Laboratory - - Reuter Stokes
- - - Los Alamos National National National Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory - - Argonne National National Laboratory Laboratory The alliance will continue to recruit additional partners as it it it it expands its scope and impact
PENN STATE SERVES AS THE HUB OF INNOVATION FOR PIMA with the ultimate goal of of helping support advanced manufacturing of of microreactors at at scale 

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