Page 1 - 2024 Bull Catalog.pubcopy
P. 1


     We’d like to Welcome you

                to our annual

              production sale

         For Facebook Users our
         Flipbook can be viewed

             Any changes will be

                   posted here.

          The Winter of 2023 brought a 180*
     reversal of 2022. The Climate was so mild
     that the Critters didn’t even hair up until
     the cold spell hit in January, and then they
     couldn’t grow hair fast enough to deal
     with the -17* temps and 30 MPH winds. So
     the Critters just converted feed into heat
     for a spell.

          Our Cherry Crop decided that -17*
     wasn’t conducive to Bud Life so we have
     extra time this year to work on fences and

          We picked up a Bull that is a Son of
     Rawhide. So next Spring we will be excited
     to see what that brings to our Ranch.

    Calves have been on a high roughage

      Bulls have free choice of Hay and

     approx. 3 lbs of ground corn daily.

      Heifers have the same feed except
                          no Corn
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