Page 6 - December Cascadian
P. 6
Notices - - Updates - - Reminders Notices - - Updates - - Reminders Hello Cascadian
Travel Club
Members and Non-Members...
s i the g s i the i C n l i . b s i the in Watch for further information.
Don’t forget, you can always reach out
How your board Voted
To our new neighbors …
Herbert & Nicole Bouver 379 Sunview Way
Owner Westminister, MD
Daniel Bandish 633 Whitfield Way
Owner Melbourne, FL
Jared Sandel 348 Toscane Trail
Owner Hudson, OH
s w s w following motions were voted upon.
ra en nd nd an nd e i nd en pr nd not en pr exceed $45,875.00. Motion approved 5- 0.
io un 00 027 027 Motion approved 5-0.
to t n to t n to t n passed 5-0.
be p r i 3 , o . t Motion passed 3-2.
Motion to approve Electrical Engineering of
pp th rs oversight of the electrical matters involving the
sports complex. Motion passed 3-2.
o p e h o k n uni ati om mm ati Community Connections Committee. Motion
approved 5-0.
Reminder offi e offi yo oti th w s
b he al offi oti th le ye Bar ow al he ati rge as ar be ati rge ati rge Their phone number is 772-334-0577
My apology to rre awt s Ei ti or n b
f e f f S k d a t h r m o at o at wri Dave Caron, Managing Editor r Re r Re r Re TOC ADS
8 9
Lawton Road Block Party
, hbo t t d S