Page 14 - March 2025 Cascadian
P. 14

oems  y  aula  uffell
Are  ou  uite  ure”
he  hey ondonderry  rchestra  as  ummoned  y  he  ueen.
hey  racticed  hopin’s  Polonaise”, ith  chubert  n’ n  etween.
hey he  aestro  wirled  is  is  hite  aton  ill  atisfied  as  ey e  e.
ea eethoven  ould  ave  een  leased  on o  ear  is  is  Symphony”.
rriving  t  he  he  hei alace, ell  repared  or  is  ebut,
he  aestro  eeply  owed  nd  nd  ave  he  he  hei he  he  rchestra  heir  ue.
e  urned  o  ace  he  hei he  he  udience  nd  nd  ndl aw  he  hei he  he  ady  are.
bligingly, e  e  e  e  randly  layed  The  ondon  erriere”.
G “The Ancient Clock”
y  ld cl ck s nds  n qui t ha l,
Wit  han ha s   a k s hat o e e t not move at a A numbe ed f e e t of anci nt gilt .
A s ately .
An o ken sh l. A  ired  riend ,
Who e dusty gears  sh hav reac ed their end.
ce  olis ed gle , n w dull  eneer.
ce th  bon in  chi It  golde  weig s n  longer  re p.
T e pend um is fast  sleep.
N  soothin movement e anate .
Remembered .
My chi dren  ffer  oin ed  t t n t ly, iew “Rin y  er Ri  o ed  t t n t ly, e old   o ing  n th  new ”
I tell  em v ry p ti ntly,
hat  nc  my l i “In  :
“In  uiet h l i  shall  emain,
“ n si ence sp king wise re rain.
“The honor d clock oes s ill r   fl c o ect ,
“ ha  twice    R t 7 r e Recently   7  /2’ all gato r
wa n d  rem ve  from th TOC ADS
16 17
At the December 17, 2024 Board meeting the
following motions were voted upon.
n J was approved 7-0.
Motion to approve Papico Construction Inc. to resurface
urt n
a approved 7-0.
Ju a o o o L n  re six pallets of sod to Cascades Boulevard not to exceed
$6,335.83. Motion approved 7-0.
o   l s 44 44 Motion approved 7-0.
 t o o n   e or  of  exceed $8,990.00 from Barlett Bros. Security. Motion
passed 7-0.
e n r t abi in abi of $151,484.79. Motion approved 7-0.
ca r item. Motion approved 7-0.
a i y orc following members: Ginger Greenstein, Diane
kma passed 7-0.
to h t  Na : P Emil (Lou) Montalvo. Motion passed 7-0.
pr $6 Motion passed 7-0.
v o t y  t io ew t  w e d t e Motion to approve an increase to the Cascades Visa
ot 7-0.

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