Page 17 - March 2025 Cascadian
P. 17

Safety and Security Committee Good day everyone.
im it of  im it .
O f  s  m
n c   e .
d c n a a a r im it .
O walls, and natural habitat growth/preserve.
le .
O un     s       e b balance between structured living and the wild beauty
ee li of r  es ng  st erv esi y t es y   se esi y t e a nef ral esi y t e a nef ha ha nef  pe og at i n n u i f t   e   f f l u  pe ure  su community. el ba nm el ba nm d  er an  fo ere idents
an and the local wildlife can thrive.
Community Security Update
Balancing Safety and Financial Responsibility
yse A), ene Safety & Security Committee team have actively listened
ene mun ety
and ty
 our resi ty
mun ing ime ime and er of our co ime community.  go .
We  eepl  underst d  nd epl sha saf e your  once ns o   It is our e a primar  go l to ens re ,  the epl sha saf are ty and se rity of ty
ll es our eve resi ents.  oweve re ,  e a not e al o  eenly a are of the n ed su to b r o e e l l c r c   v   nce our  es on
e i  such a way financial s.
Challe Gate Security
na ifi ne of th  most  os ig gh ifi ant concerns raise  is
the na thorized entr  and ex t o  non- si ents th ough
ur gat s. To add ess thi , we are •
En anced survei lance: W  are impleme ting ad ance d
surveill nce camera  with real-t me g
ca abil ties a •
ecurity p rso nel: We  av  increa ed the p esence
of tr  s ined se uri y perso access.
Perimeter Security
of y
Anoth r  rit cal area of TOC ADS
our community’s perimeter. To enhance this, we are
o asu r communi y’s perim •
Perimeter fencing/natural growth (Shrubs-Trees):
P rimeter f S
o nci ps.
g/natura  growth ( hr :
Strength ning •
lly duri S
o •
Regula  patrols: e conduct  egular secur hours.
Financial Considerations
. To
thi al si S
o hile enha cing securit  is
imp rative, w mu o
c si er the f •
Phased implementation: Implementing security
mp ng pg in •
P ased i ple entat on: Implemen ty
upg ad s in phas Community Involvement
th rity. We  ia ec ra omm e believ th t communi y involve ent •
Stay informed: Participate in community meetings
mun  to:
ta S
o  in ormed: Particip te in co mun developments.
Report suspicious activities: Promptly report any
Report su mp ct al picious act vi ec S
o ies  Pr su mp ct al nnel.
susp •
ati cu nnel.
and prog upport init ati es: Supp In conclusion, we are committed to addressing your
In  oncl s n   e m
  n   a t e i o f c t on, we a e commit ed t  addres r
sec rity  oncerns wi h a balan ed approach that s
saf ty  e o omm hile being  ind ul of fina ci l  espons bi .
Y ur input  n c t   a e o l  coop ratio  ar  in ers erst  un .
Willi Committee Safety Reminders
o our mittee
S fe Our  rson s
1 - ew se el WI When urit sin  th  facilit es/amenit es,  o
we Our rso r  our  ri ur t b all nd.
Our  rson ew se el WI urit  p ee fe Our  rson L
c all nge  ou if th  do  ot  ee y ur wr st ba d o membe g
fro S
o mph
omi pr  - R member: spe  l mit on t e pr perty  S
o omi ... gla e  ro  l t you  s ow  s eed
meter. l e W t i ,    al  know  S
o g
fro 3 - Many scammers use logos of companies we do
3 - Man   e o   b w r   cammers use  ogos o  compa ess we do
bu iness with. you ge  a 
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