Page 54 - March 2025 Cascadian
P. 54
e e istin of re iden and s’ b rthday iden and anniversar es, w onsist s e r g
u f r a f those events ha fa l during If you want your dates published, e-mail Dave Caron at
Also, please let us know if someone’s name should be removed
for any reason.
Barry Roffer.............. 1
s Richie Butrico........... 7
Nan Perry.................. 7
David Bousquet....... 9
Lloyd Torrey. ............. 9
Ron Cordes. ............. 14
Charlie Krass. .......... 14
Zina Bloom. ............. 15
Don Bossone........... 15
Joyce Elowitz........... 15
Joyce Blackwood. ...... 7
Betty Perkins. .......... 19
Harriet Teper.......... 19
Linda D'Anico. ........ 20
Marilyn Rawlings... 20
Janet Roffer. ............. 20
Bonnie Beverly. ....... 22
Judy Morgott . ......... 23
Marjorie Coviello... 24
Robert Farmer. ........ 24
Paul Mezzo.............. 24
Marty Kennedy. ...... 25
Theresa Cucurullo. 28
James Morrison...... 28
Connie Ferry. .......... 29
Eileen Alter. ............. 30
Suzanne Kranz. ....... 30
Wendy Morrow. ...... 30
Barbara Catalano ... 1
Domeniea Spataro. .. 2
Carole Bogumil....... 3
Gary Davis. ................ 3
David Purificato...... 3
Timothy Condon. .... 4
. . Indra Dil.................... 5
Pete DeCicco............. 6
Janet Rossignol ....... 6
Andrew & Jayne Gavaletz .........2
. 9
. Jim and Mary Adams...............14
Phyllis and Ted Samuelson......16
Mary and Woolrick Bennett. ...21
Lon and Dorrie Hulsey. ............21
Sharon and Bill Snyder. ............21
Tammy & David Bousquet . .....22
Irina & Robert Ross..................23
Linda & Stephen Salmon. ..................25
Dennis Tarkington & Dave Atlas. ....25
Emanuel & Barbara Cannatella. .......27
... ... Dennis & Karen Darak. .....................29
o o & o o & n o . lodon D'Amico.................................3
. . . e e ents th t fall d ri g tha parti ular resi mont . Many ular resi ents have eques d we re-run th s fo m, so
the m c y also incl de t ir ub name fo pub ication If y u wan de yo the offi r dates pub sh d, t k e mu t kn w abo t them. Y m c n ei her fi ll
ut t in orm tion b lo a nt w nd nam If ut on etu ion or n the form o the adm nistra nam If ut on etu ion or de t the offi ce nam If ut on etu ion or e-mail Dave Ca on a t e yo he ffi ca on@com ast. et.
N s a fo ve me : _____________ ___ ______ ____________________________________________________________
Address: ________________ ________ ____________________________________________________________
Address: _______________ thda s (p ease p t name with date): __________________________________________ __________________
__________________________________________ __________________
__________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________
Anniversary: ___________________________ ________ __ __ ______ _____ ____ __ __ __ w ___ ___ emem er __ w can ot p nt what we d e o ot k ow. You on y ha TOC ADS