Page 13 - July August Cascadian
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GENERAL MANAGER... continued from page 11
within statute. We watch the budget while listening to a new vision and how to get it all done. We all want the best for the Association. This is your home and I recognize your passion for your neighborhood.
I cannot compliment, credit, and thank the dedicated committees enough. The Board and management look to you for your knowledge and expertise of insurance, landscape, finances, security, communication, facilities, hurricane preparedness, entertainment, and socialization. We listen to you, make decisions based off your recommendations and, of course, enjoy the end results that happened by working together.
Tasks forces have been helpful in investigating details for an exact scope of work by looking at every angle of a project that may require permitting, and electrical and structural plans. Depending upon the task, perhaps health and wellness outlining are needed.
Clubs make this a culturally well-rounded place to live. The Veterans, Art, Snorkel, Bridge, Bocce, Tennis, Pickleball, Mahjong, Knitting, Travel, Tiki and so many more need to be thanked for the planning of activities and education which keep us all inspired. Thanks to everyone involved in creating our environment.
Thank you to residents like Alex Monsignor who have taken many meetings with me to share his communication knowledge to help make informed decisions with respect to our phones and internet services at the clubhouse and amenities and to Bob Fuchs, who has spent countless hours clarifying the alarm monitoring services through PYE-Barker. You are two people that have been key to my growth, and I thank you.
It has been a pleasure to get to know the vendors of Cascades. We have changed our pool and fountain vendor for servicing reasons this year. We continue to review and evaluate services to insure a good product and cost effectiveness.
I am proud of the accomplishments that have taken place over the year. Your Board of Directors motions, approves, or declines expenditures with input from management, engineers, attorneys, and professionals in their field of service. Committees and task forces are heard after completing due diligence on a project. Many members are specialists who serve at the behest of the Board. The Board takes in the information and researches the topic to make informed decisions. I am grateful to be a part of Cascades. You are a work hard, play hard Association. I speak the language and I sincerely hope that you are happy in your home.
Please contact the office if there is anything we may assist you with.
Life is like riding a bicycle: in order to keep your balance, you must keep moving. Albert Einstein
Diane Blakeman, LCAM Cascades of St, Lucie West Campbell Property Management
VICE PRESIDENT... continued from page 11
chronic illnesses, recover more quickly from illness or surgery, and have longer life expectancies. Kindness also has physiological benefits, such as reducing inflammation and lowering blood pressure and, heaven knows, we need all the health advantages we can get.
Social connections provide a buffer against life's challenges. Knowing that there are people nearby who care about us and on whom we can rely during tough times like illness, injury, loss, hurricanes, etc., can bolster our resilience. Acts of kindness, whether small or significant, reinforce our sense of community and remind us that we're not alone. In each of our interactions on a daily basis, are we building our community or dividing it?
In essence, social connection and kindness are not just niceties; they are fundamental to our well-being, the strength of our community, and the fabric of our society. During times of stress and change like we are currently living in, these connections are even more important. When you’re feeling stressed, angry, frustrated, remember that angry words do not solve problems. Anger often clouds our judgment and can escalate situations unnecessarily. It's usually better to approach problems with a calm and rational mindset, seeking understanding and resolution rather than resorting to anger or hostility. Communication, empathy, and cooperation are key to solving problems effectively and creating those important social connections.
PICKLEBALL & BOCCE... continued from cover
and complete three next year or to rebuild the 4 courts and move them over from their current position this year or next year. After a review of projects for 2024 and 2025, and conferencing with the vendor for a cost-effective bid, unanimously it was agreed upon to bring to the Board a proposal on June 18th to move four courts this year. The surfaces of the courts were discussed as well as maintenance and the surrounding areas. Sports Surfaces advised that they could complete the project this year. October is the goal for the start of bocce season which was clearly stated.
There have been misunderstandings and discussion of transparency about the pickleball location. Several open meetings occurred, discussing pickleball. There were concerns that the two task forces had not met, but they had. While the cost of pickleball is budgeted in the operating line item, the bocce courts will be a reserve line item. The auditor and accounting departments were consulted.
Board Meetings are zoomed for resident convenience of viewing and held in the Ballroom. Please attend the meetings. The Board has consulted with the HOA attorney and has a legal opinion that we may remove the shuffleboard courts. Board Members have spoken with the engineer and vendor for the installation of both pickleball and bocce courts.
There are many urban myths about what has occurred between bocce and pickleball. Perception becomes reality; misconstrued points of view cause negativity to breed
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