Page 12 - February 2025 Cascaduan
P. 12

Candidates Resumes - Districts 1 3 5 & 7
District 1
Mike Trinchitella
Employment History:
1990-2008 - Vice President, Campaign United Way of
Westchester/Putnam Counties White Plains, NY
e .  fundraising efforts totaled $7,000,000. Responsible
 Pe $2,000,000 from organizations such as PepsiCo, Pepsi
Bottling Group, Heineken, Entergy Nuclear Energy,
Avon, Bayer, Snapple and other major corporations.
Responsibilities also included acting as Labor Liaison
(WP he  he  co s jects to  co ca io ca io fit  PCL he PCL he PCL he PCL Memorial Monument.
1972-1990 District Manager
International Ladies Garment Workers Union
(ILGWU) Hawthorne, NY.
t  t  y  Y.
Manag 3,000 union members employed by over 150 garment
0 m y a 1 t , v Westchester County to Port Jervis, NY. Supervised
 bu Served as board member with fiduciary responsibilities
$25 Health &Welfare Funds.
Volunteer Activities
Cas Cascades HOA
2024 President
2019 Vice President
2017-2019 President
Chair, Ballroom Renovation Committee
2016-2017 Secretary
2015-2016 Treasurer
Member, Negotiating Committee,
Comcast Bulk Contract
2020-2022  President - Cascades Tennis Club
2009-2015 Advertising Manager - Cascadian
1980-2000  en  O Mt. Vernon HS
1988-2008  Board Member, Mt. Sinai Occupation &
Safety Health Clinic
1985-1995  Board Member, Westchester County Chapter
- American Cancer Society
Barbara Cannatella
Dear Residents,
ann he to he to ish g f ng  I a ve and ch best to  co  c e a y   i g ish g f nce ent ing   I a  I a r  re th ur al ove a t  t en ove mo  m a t es ov ove tt ve  i  i y y ur s y y nd  ect e y  nd ec the Bocce Club, the Cascades Connections Committee,
ect the Snorkel Club.
a     ab tan . A igh tending m board meetings has further provided me with insight
into rov u tie is  th nti d
i is  ce ed low as possible.
 l  i  We yea s and se .
Be f
D  movi commu  35 s   We yea moved
and ga e e  ga e e  ib  a and oblem-
District  at re  t n n o i   a r d
a li on nic
a and open communication between the board and
residents, ensuring that all voices and options are
heard and valued.
e   a l e y   ess e   a l e y   y special education across all grade levels. My
 a ls :
s y h m   g n o a   ll ngtonTOC 5
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