Page 18 - February 2025 Cascaduan
P. 18
The Mid Atlantic Men
d T e Phil Tag and Karen Rontowsk
unday, 25 - 8 P M
P nd on s in and rave reviews.
an ha their Karen’s fast-paced, quirky and charmingly opti-
the the and time.
ree ally finally settle the score...who does it
th ll A 30 ert tee
al ng in s Ar m ert tee
al id s Tu every Monday and Tuesday.
The price per ticlet is $28.
T T Rontowski
Don’t miss out on these exciting Cascades events.
Rhinestone Cowgirls
Sunday, Mar. 23, 2025 - 8 PM
Three powerhouse singers perform
p fo they journey through the evolution of
the genre from its humble beginnings
to the giants of today’s music industry.
The Cas ades
Entertai ment Comm is looking for new members.
We would like to add recent
c en t ke sid sid t
r c u background, sound and lighting
a s c diligently with us, call Janet
Soloshatz at 344-1207 or Louise
Sulzer at 800-6247.
We will be conducting interviews