Page 36 - February 2025 Cascaduan
P. 36

“We are here for our community,
n ,
n responders.”
o A N mbrace  another year of making new memories.
We closed 2024 commemorating important
past historical events such as Pearl Harbor,
along with saluting our past living heroes.
o a i t o a y
he  t b ir
underprivileged children.
tra tra om  l invit me  , so wheelchairs, some with walkers, all escorted by
R them ca in PSL.
O ati the n a in. hem them ld! H n a f nu he oes spe ol r ol h.
eir  and smiles.
an ste al Am Legion 318, presented
n 3 ort escorting our honored guests
ort . A as agenda. “Toys for Tots” was presented by
s”  tor tor erv Memorial Veteran Services was provided by
erv Other special guests were Angel Robinson,
n  ssm r o ngr n  Facility here in PSL.
Our executive staff /officers/advisors
r  n PSL.
O ub r e keep the main purpose of our existence which
r e nd  for irs r e nd  for irs nd  for irs Non-dues not-for-profit authorized community
club with 412 plus members.
in PSL.
O in PSL.
O n l Photographer
Russ Buser - Special Exec. Advisor
Lorraine Longobardi - Treasurer/ Advisor
isi  we isi  we isi  we bsi 

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