Page 22 - HUB South East Annual Report 2020-21
P. 22

A neW HIgH sCHool CAMpus And CReAtIve Hub FoR tHe CoMMunIty
pRojeCt undeR ConstRuCtIon
coMMunity caMPuS
the new 700 capacity secondary school, which has the potential to be increased to 1,200, is being delivered in Edinburgh to replace the current castlebrae High School. the chosen site is directly next to the East neighbourhood centre and library, a project we also delivered in partnership with the city of Edinburgh council. an important aspect of the design is the provision of a variety of spaces for learning activities to support collaborative and inclusive practice. Externally there will be extensive landscaped areas for outdoor learning activities and a 3G
tier 1 contractor
due to complete
City of edinburgh Council
Morrison Construction
early 2022
arti cial football pitch, which will be available for use by the local community outside school hours, as well as a community town square.
“The pupils and staff were hugely excited for their new school as they have been involved throughout the whole process so they feel a real sense of ownership. The new Castlebrae Community Campus which will provide a  rst- class learning environment and an exciting, inspirational and creative hub for the whole community.”
councillor cammy day, depute leader for the city of Edinburgh council.

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