Page 17 - November 2008 The Game
P. 17

Canada’s Thoroughbred Racing Newspaper Chaplain....Meet Chaplain
By Bill Galvin
The Game, November 2008 17 Chaplain’s of ce, a library, meeting
Chaplain Shawn Kennedy, a long time horseman and the one-man shepherd of the Woodbine and Fort Erie backstretch communities, meets Chaplain, a not-so-famous four-year- old gelding owned by John Mascitel- li and Joseph Rocco’s Parklane Racing Stables of Kleinburg, and trained by Mississauga horseman Norm McK- night.
Chaplain Shawn,
one of the most
respected members
of the backstretch community, is indeed
a minister. And, he
is, indeed, inspira-
tional . . . just ask
any of the members
of his Soul Survivors
group, and countless
others of the Wood-
bine and Fort Erie backstretch brigade
he has helped along the way.
daily care and train- ing of over 2,700 Thoroughbreds stabled at Woodbine and Fort Erie tracks. In addition, there are 38 veterinarians who tend to the needs of the steeds.
rooms, a clothing depot and comput- ers. Popular computer learning classes are held weekly and the  rst class has already received their graduation di- plomas. The classes are conducted by Woodbine exercise rider Alex Brown. Alex is a computer expert and is work- ing diligently to end horse slaughter.
“He is a nice horse to be around, has an excellent temperament and is
a consistent campaigner with $93,000 in purses this year” says Woodbine trainer Norm McKnight, who claimed the gelding last year for $25,000 for the Parklane Racing Stables.
Chaplain Shawn with Chaplain and groom David Nolan
Chaplain Shawn’s never-ending days include hospital visits for the sick and injured, memorial
“The Jake”, as the center is af- fectionately called, is named for the late Jake Howard, former CEO of the Ontario Jockey Club.
Chaplain was bred by Frank Stronach’s Adena Farms and purchased by Bill Farish of Versailles, Kentucky for $30,000 at the Keeneland Sales.
He was named ‘Chaplain’ by Martha Heckerman, a staff member of Farish’s Lane’s End Farm.
Chaplain Shawn always wears a cap with a cross, encircled by a race course on the front. If you check out the beautiful white blaze on Chaplain (the horse), you will see the equine equiva- lent of a cross. It’s uncanny. . . . .
services for the backstretch’s departed and marrying horsemen and their la- dies, among a host of other day-to-day obligations, including counseling trou- bled workers and hosting. He works with volunteers from the backstretch, relying on word-of-mouth to keep the horsemen’s community informed of the assistance programs and meetings offered at the Center. Weekly trips
The Race Track Chaplaincy of Canada, along with the Woodbine Entertainment Group, the Horsemen’s Benevolent and Protective Association and gifts from private donors, help support this most worthy and highly important endeavour.
Martha had never seen this hand- some chestnut yearling, and named him ‘Chaplain’ based on the names of
Chaplain Shawn, who has steered many a steed down victory lane while race riding as an amateur jockey dur- ing earlier days, is helping to steer
the lives of many members of the backstretch community along the right track. More than 3400 grooms, hot walkers, trainers, assistant trainers, exercise riders, apprentice jockeys and blacksmiths are involved in the
to Fort Erie’s backstretch community are also included in Chaplain Shawn’s mandate.
The Race Track Chaplaincy of Canada is a registered non-pro t, reli- gious charity, whose ultimate purpose is to live out the Golden Rule through non-denominational counseling and services. It is a cousin of the 36-year- old Race Track Chaplaincy of Amer- ica, which has chaplains at more than 60 tracks across the country, with Hall of Fame rider Pat Day its chief spokes- person and Ambassador at Large.
usome of his ancestors, which include his dam, Inspirational, and Deputy Minister, his paternal grandsire.
The Jake Howard Center, which was of cially opened on July 23rd, is the bright new home of the Chaplaincy on Woodbine’s backstretch. It houses the
HBPA Ontario Administration Office:: 135 Queen’s Plate Drive, Suite 370 Toronto, Ontario, M9W 6V1 • 416-747-5252
F o r t E r i e & Wo o d b i n e
FORT ERIE: The HBPA backstretch office will be closing for the season on November 7 at 3 pm. The office will be closed Saturday, November 1. Hours for Sunday, November 2 to November 7 will be 7am to 3pm. The office will reopen March 2, 2009.
HBPA Backstretch Office Hours
WOODBINE: The HBPA backstretch office is open Tuesday to Saturday 7am - 3pm; Sunday 7am - 2pm and Monday 8:30am - 1pm.
Second Annual HBPA Backstretch Appreciation Day at the Races
The HBPA presents the second annual “Backstretch Employee Appreciation Day” on Saturday, November 15 at Woodbine.
Present your Groom, Hotwalker, Exercise Rider, Assistant Trainer or Trainer’s license at the HBPA Woodbine Backstretch Office from November 8 to 15 and register to receive a $10. food voucher and a $5. betting voucher (valid only on November 15 and to be used only on the frontside).
The HBPA will also be honouring three “Outstanding Grooms” and three “Outstanding Assistant Trainers” of 2008 with a Certificate of Excellence and a Financial Reward.
For more information contact the HBPA Backstretch office at Woodbine 416-675-3802.
F o r t E r i e & Wo o d b i n e
The HBPA Fort Erie Christmas Party will be held on Sunday, November 30 from 12 noon to 3pm at the Crystal Ridge Community Center at 99 Ridge Rd., in Ridgeway.
HBPA Backstretch Christmas Parties
Please visit the HBPA Backstretch office at Fort Erie before November 7 at 3pm to register your attendance.
The Woodbine Backstretch Christmas Party will be held on Tuesday, November 25 in the backstretch kitchen from 5 to 8 pm.
Please sign up for the Christmas party at the HBPA backstretch office at Woodbine before November 20. Immediate family only.
F o r t E r i e & Wo o d b i n e
The winner of Shedrow of the Month for October at Woodbine is trainer Mark Casse and his crew. The winning trainer will receive $200 ($100 from WEG and $100 from HBPA). Congratulations to Mark and his crew.
Shedrow of the Month
The winner of Shedrow of the Month for October at Fort Erie is trainer Chris Shepler of Barn 3 and his crew. Chris and his crew put in extra effort to beautify their stable area during this gloomy time of year.
The Game NOVEMBER 2008.indd 17
10/28/08 12:59:45 AM

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