Page 4 - May 2009 The Game
P. 4
4 The Game, May 2009
We Want to Hear From You!
How important is the horse industry to rural Ontario? This is the question that researchers at the University of Guelph would like to learn more about. The latest census of agriculture completed in 2006, reported that the horse sector showed the greatest increase out of all of the agricultural sectors in the province. In fact, horses have been gaining in popularity consistently over the past 10-15 years and
in some regions, particularly those in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), they have even surpassed such traditional agricultural commodities as poultry and egg, beef cattle, and vegetable production in terms of gross farm receipts.
There are several interesting connections between
the vitality and growth of the equine industry and the economic success of rural regions in Ontario. Contrary
to some popular misconceptions, horses are not a waste
of valuable farmland! Quite the opposite actually as the equine industry contributes to a wide range of economic activity in rural areas across the province. For example, horse owners will often spend quite a bit of money on
both their horses and their properties which can result in economic spin-offs for local businesses. An Equine Canada report, completed by Vel Evans in 2004, points out that the average ‘property improvement’ investment for the horse industry is $8,777.00 compared to $1,740.00 for farmer
in other sectors. In a survey of members of the Ontario Equestrian Federation completed by Bronwynne Wilton in 2007, 30% of respondents had built an indoor arena since taking ownership of their property, 46% reported building new barns for their horses, and 91% reported installing new fencing on their properties. This translates to a signi cant investment in the rural landscape and if local businesses can cater to this sector, there can be positive impacts in the surrounding community.
We also know that horse owners present a unique and consistent market for high quality hay for their
Coukos to Ajax Downs
Canada’s Thoroughbred Racing Newspaper
On-line survey takes a look at the role of the equine industry across Ontario – we want to hear from you!
horses. According to Joel Bagg of OMAFRA, there are approximately 300,000 horses in Ontario and these horses consume approximately 750,000 tonnes of hay every year. If the number of horses continues to increase in the province, the potential market for quality horse hay will continue to improve for Ontario farmers.
The Game
The equine industry also brings an important and
unique tourism element to the Ontario countryside. Both through the racing industries and through the sport horse competitions such as show-jumping, dressage, eventing and rodeos (to name just a few!), there are important spin-off effects for rural communities that welcome and promote the horse industry.
Managing Editor - Stacie Roberts Research - Steve Roberts Distribution & Web - Jason Roberts Advertising Sales - Stacie Roberts
Given all of these real and potential bene ts of horses to rural Ontario, it is critical to gain a better understanding of the true scope of the industry across the province. Several state horse councils across the United States have conducted economic analysis projects of the horse industry within their states, however, similar data is lacking or out of date
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The Game
P.O. Box 52061 Oakville, Ontario L6J 7N5 Telephone: 905-338-0544 Toll free: 1-866-886-5827 Fax: 905-338-0644
in Ontario. As a rst step in creating a greater awareness
of the role of the horse industry across the province, researchers at the University of Guelph are inviting you
to participate in an on-line survey that is available on the Equine Guelph website at The direct link is: uuO1Nq_2bPAePt2sLbJ7wQ_3d_3d
We hope that anyone actively involved in any sector of the equine industry in Ontario will participate in the survey and if you would like to become more involved in the project, you may also contact the researcher, Dr. Bronwynne Wilton, at The results of this project will be used to learn more about the scope of the equine industry in Ontario and to develop new projects aimed at supporting the equine industry as part of a strong and vital rural Ontario. Results will be made publicly available upon completion of the project.
Canada’s Thoroughbred Racing Newspaper
2004372 Ontario Ltd. - Publisher
Mr. Coukos has spent the last several years as the Executive Director of the Ontario HBPA as well as the Secretary Treasurer of the National HBPA which represents over 35,000 thoroughbred horsemen throughout North America.
Simon was suspended by the Ontario Racing Commission Stewards after his ride aboard Bug’s Boy on November
30 at Woodbine, charging him with “not persevering with his mount throughout the race or demonstrate an effort to ensure the best and fastest race of which his mount was capable.”
Advertising Rates
Ajax Downs is scheduled to race 35 live dates in 2009. The 2009 budget for the Ontario Quarter Horse Racing Industry Development Program approved by the Ontario Racing Commission is $7.45 million, an increase of 31% from 2008 budget levels. The racing program at Ajax Downs in 2009 includes more than $4.6 million in purses and the base purse average for overnight racing will be $8,000 per race.
Testimony from the trainer of Bug’s Boy, John LeBlanc Jr., as well as many other fellow colleagues, the commission deemed that Simon was not at fault stating that “the evidence of trainer Leblanc is decisive.That evidence is clear, cogent, and powerful to the extent of compelling,
that the instructions given by LeBlanc and followed by Husbands were intended to and did in fact ‘demonstrate the best and fastest race of which his mount was capable.’
Full Page - $980.00 Half Page - $650.00 Quarter Page - $390.00 Eighth Page - $235.00 Business Card - $99.00 Colour Extra
For more information, please contact Ajax Downs at 905-686-8001 or visit their website at
“There is no direct evidence of an intent by Husbands to nish second. Collateral evidence such as collusion, conspiracy, wagering anomaly, race xing, or the like is totally absent.”
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Simon Husbands Wins Appeal
Ajax Downs has announced that Mr. Nick Coukos has joined their executive team as Vice-President, Corporate Affairs effective May 1, 2009.
The one-year suspension of Jockey Simon Husbands was overturned after he launched an appeal which was heard by the Ontario Racing Commission on April 21.
Breeders’ Cup to Discount Online Nominations
In what is being touted an economic stimulus plan to encourage nominations as well as the use of its on-line nomination system, foal nomination fees for Breeders’ Cup Ltd. will be discounted by $100 if registered on-line before August 1, 2009.
The discount represents a 20% savings from the standard $500 nomination fee.
Breeders’ Cup President Greg Avioli was quoted as saying, “We want to encourage electronic nominations, which are far more ef cient and economical for both the nominators and the organization than forms sent via the mail.”
For more information about nominating online, go to www. and click on Nominations, then Early Foals.
Did You Know...
That in an effort to attract new racing fans, Churchill Downs in Kentucky plans to hold night racing during its upcoming spring-summer meeting.
Three night racing cards which will feature 11 races will be conducted on Fridays June 19 and 26 as well as Thursday July 2.
Churchill plans to start the races at 6 p.m. EDT and bring in temporary lighting for the races, which the track anticipates will wrap up around 11 p.m.