Page 8 - November 2016 Thoroughbred Highlight
P. 8
Continued from Page 6
Sinew-XTM contains D-Glucosamine sulphate (5,000 mg), MSM (3,500 mg) and also anti- in ammatory herbs. The antiin ammatory effect
of the herbs used in Sinew-X do not affect the gastrointestinal tract of horses. Sometimes when the in ammation from the injury is severe, AntiFlamTM
is a useful addition to the treatment process. GLS PowderTM contains D-glucosamine sulphate (10,000 mg), MSM (5,000 mg) and the minerals silicon and boron for strengthening bone and hoof.
Another important component of the joint is the synovial uid. The major building block of the synovial tissue is hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a long chain polymer of various chain lengths. As a rule, the shorter the length of the hyaluronic acid chain the greater the absorption. Omega Alpha’s HA-180TM contains the shortest available hyaluronic acid chains in order to maximize absorption.
Prevention of Joint Injuries:
Prevention of joint injuries is not possible. There
are too many accidental ways to injure a joint. The best that we can do is strengthen the joints by strengthening the ligaments, tendons, bone and cartilage. Having a good training program in addition to providing optimum nutrition that targets joint tissue to minimize in ammation and optimize repair is a sound strategy. Using Sinew-X and Anti am on a maintenance program is a good method to minimize the in ammatory process and hence optimize
the repair process. Providing optimum amount
of the different B vitamins and different types of minerals are also an important component of the repair process. The B vitamins are an important component in providing the energy for the biochemical process of repair of tissue. The minerals such as
zinc, copper, manganese, boron, silicon are also important cofactors for the optimization of enzyme function for the biochemical synthesis of the new
and strengthened tissue. Omega Alpha’s MinerEQ contains an optimal amount of various minerals and various B vitamins.
In Summary, Omega Alpha’s Sinew-X, AntiFlam , HA-180 , MinerEQTM and GLS PowderTM play an important role in the treatment and strengthening of joint tissue.
For more information contact Dr. Gordon Cheng Omega Alpha Pharmaceuticals Inc. 1-800-651-3172
Roads Lead to Northern Dancer Dr.
When you travel around the backstretch at Woodbine you will notice that
the roads among the
barns are named for
some of Canada’s
greatest racehorses.
Physically the roads
on the backstretch
don’t all lead to
Northern Dancer
Drive, but pedigree
wise the majority of
the names adorning
the street signs all
lead to sire of sires Northern Dancer.
Dance Smartly (ON) - Inducted into the Canadian Horse Racing Hall of Fame, winner of the Canadian Triple Crown, and Breeders’ Cup Distaff, and Multiple division Champion including Horse of the Year, bred and owned by Sam-Son Farm and trained by Jim Day. Equibase Chart 5X Pedigree
Langfuhr (ON) - Multiple Graded Stakes winner, Champion Sprinter and a top 5 active leading sire bred and owned by Gustav Schickedanz, and trained by Mike Keogh
Equibase Chart
5X Pedigree
Chief Bearhart (ON) - Canada’s two-time Horse of the Year owned by Sam-Son Farm, bred by Richard D. Maynard, trained by Mark Frostad
Equibase Chart 5X Pedigree
Awesome Again (ON) - Queen’s Plate and Breeders’ Cup Classic winner owned by Stronach Stables and bred by Frank Stronach, trained by David Hofmans at Woodbine for the Plate
Equibase Chart 5X Pedigree
With Approval (ON) - Canadian Triple Crown winner and Horse of the Year bred and owned by Kinghaven Farms, trained by Roger Att eld
Equibase Chart 5X Pedigree
Izvestia (ON) - Canadian Triple Crown winner and multiple division Champion and Horse of the Year bred and owned by Kinghaven Farms and trained by Roger Att eld
Equibase Chart
5X Pedigree
Thoroughbred Highlight - Page 8 - November 2016