Page 31 - The Game November 2006
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Canada’s Thoroughbred Racing Newspaper
The Game, November 2006 31
The Game
Canada’s Thoroughbred Racing Newspaper
HORSE LOVER’S HAVEN 36-40 stall barn and paddocks on 48+ acres. 3 year old 2 bedroom home with finished rec room and potential 3rd bedroom. Has attached 2 car garage and double concrete drive. Close to Niagara Falls, Fort Erie and Welland. $495,000. MLS 2071008
Carmine Guadagno, Broker ReMax Niagara Realty Ltd., Realtor 905-871-5555
YEARLING COLTS FOR SALE 2 yearling colts for sale.
• Nijinsky II, Sadler’s Wells cross • Seattle Slew, Smartaire cross in-bred to Sequence
Call 905-665-577
after 9pm
Looking for a place for your retired racehorse?
Long term care available at reasonable rates. Other services include rehabilitation & placement in a new career.
Call Nancy Sullivan 416-268-6670
• Quality Care • Superior Service • $16 Day 905-854-3636 Campbellville
Stay Organized with EquineMax Computer Software. Complete record keeping including medical, pedigrees, pictures, income/expenses, calendar, address book & more! Includes support for over
12 disciplines.
Free Trial CD 1-877-637-8463
FOR SALE OR LEASE 4-year-old Whiskey Wisdom winner 3-year-old Tethra 2-year-old Perigee Moon 2-year-old Tethra
Call Danny Zita
cell 647-883-6811
home 905-936-5750
BOARDING/LAY-UPS Boarding for Retired Horses, Lay-ups and Broodmares. Individual care, smaller number of horses at the farm. Pasture. Limited stalls available now.
1 hour from Woodbine. Special rate for retirees. 519-856-1324
EXCELLENT EQUESTRIAN FACILITY FOR RENT OR LEASE New fully insulated barns with indoor arenas and 60’ round pen. Heated office, tack and feed rooms.
50 box stalls, 10 paddocks. Accommodations available on site. 10 Minutes North of Orangeville. For details & photos visit
or call 519-925-1960
ASSISTANT TRAINER WANTED 2007 Racing Season at Woodbine 15 to 20 horse stable
Please submit resume to the Woodbine Backstretch HBPA Office
HELP WANTED Full-time farm help needed at thoroughbred race farm. Sales prep and experience with yearlings an asset.
Call 905-893-3769
for more information
3 bedroom house trailer with
2 additions on property with horse barn. Hydro and water in barn.
15 minutes from Woodbine Racetrack. Excellent condition. Reasonably Priced. 519-941-0077
10 minutes from Mohawk. Large clean stalls, wash stall, good turn-out, indoor arena, round pen. Excellent feed program.
All ages welcome including yearlings and broodmares. $475
KING’S RANSOM 905-939-8276
Newly built boarding facility in Schomberg, Ontario.
20 minutes from Woodbine. Stalls for rent $15/day plus GST
or $450/month plus GST
You look after your own horse. OR
Entire Facility For Rent.
Large box stalls 10 x 12. Indoor arena 70 x 144. Outdoor 1/2 mile track (fenced). Indoor wash stall with hot & cold water. 10 large grass paddocks.
• Mares in foal for 2007 • Open mares • Weanlings • Yearlings
• Two-year-olds
Great Selection!
Serenity Stable 905-729-2878
Stalls Available for Boarding, Lay-ups & Foaling.
IN FRANK’S HONOR World Class Pedigree Receive a 2007 breeding for $1000 when you board your broodmare. Stallion viewing & races Infrankshonor.htm
• $14/day outdoor mare care (run-ins, blankets etc.)
• $20/day colts/lay-ups
(2 stalls 15x15 available, individual turnout) Excellent feed program. Quality care.
New Beginnings.... 905-478-4998 Newmarket
• Broodmare Care • Foaling • Lay-ups • Yearling Sale Preparation State-of-the-art facility Ultimate in Care. Proven Results Darlene Hayes 905-971-4824
toll free 1-866-994-9936 Millgrove, ON
45 mins to Woodbine
1 hour to Fort Erie
Easy access to all major routes
Stalls available 20 min from Woodbine. Do your own, many large paddocks with wood fencing, lots of pasture for $150/month. 905-584-6819
Yearling colt by One Way Love, out of a solid dam who has produced 2 stakes horses, 6 winners. Excellent conformation and balance. Well handled and sound minded. No set-backs. 519-763-7961
Close to QEW & Fort Erie Racetrack. 30’ x 70’ quanset barn w/ hydro & water plus 50’ x 50’ covered area, pond, 4 large paddocks, 8 new stalls and dog run. The 1550 sq.ft. home is in good shape with 3 bedrooms and attached 2 car garage. Priced to sell $329,900. MLS 2072972. Carmine Guadagno, Broker ReMax Niagara Realty Ltd., Realtor 905-871-5555
DISPERSAL SALE Dispersal sale of 5 horses. Death of Owner.
3-yr-old gelding by Talkin Man, in-training - raced once.
Two 2-yr-old fillies (broken)
by Brite Adam and Sambuca On Ice. Two yearlings by Brite Adam and Magic Walk.
For more information call Peter at 905-659-0087
STONESPRING FARM Gorgeous New 100 Acre Facility Boarding for Broodmares & Layups Bright, airy stable. 12x16/12x12 Oak stalls.
Oak board grass paddocks. Indoor arena. Reasonable rates.
SW of Orangeville. 519-928-3479
To Advertise in
The Game
Call toll free 1-866-886-5827 • Fax: 905-338-0644
• Email: Deadline :Second Last Friday
of the Month
$20 per 30 words plus GST Pre-Payment Required
Visa • Mastercard • American Express Cheque • Money Order
EQUESTRIAN FARM AVAILABLE 100 Acre Equestrian Farm, Alliston, Ontario.
27 stalls/10,000 sq.ft. indoor arena. Several paddocks, exercise areas & track. 2400 sq.ft. executive main house. 2 bedroom foreman’s house. Available immediately $7000/month + utilities (first & last) 705-728-4806
Negotiable - Serious Inquiries Only
NEW Homeopathic Shin Paint. Revolutionary quick healing remedy & preventative that works. 100% Money Back Guarantee. Equine Energetics 905-864-6764 905-302-4706 - Jeff

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