Page 9 - May 2005 The Game
P. 9
Your Thoroughbred Racing Community Newspaper The Game, May 2005 9
Stomach Ulcers
Stomach Ulcers
Opinions vary but it is thought 70% or more thoroughbred hors- es have Ulcers of the stomach and G.I. tract.
Two causes of Ulcers are Anxiety and Pain from lameness issues. Unfortunately many of the Analgesics used to treat the pain cause further gastric upset.
So the circle continues of treating each problem individually FOREVER.
Are there any real solutions that don’t break the bank?
Yes, Many!
In the April issue of The Game we targeted Anxiety and how it can affect a horses performance.
By offering solutions to reduce stress on a daily level, one of the main pieces of the puzzle is in place to be your starting point at breaking the circle. This ad will focus on Ulcers and how to realistically treat, maintain and support healing without exorbitant costs.
One company will tell you they have the only way to heal and maintain Ulcers!
We disagree!
We know differently because of the consistent customers we have using Gastra-Fx & Biotic 8 and most importantly their results.
For two years or more Thoroughbred & Standardbred trainers have maintained their stables large and small on this combination or part of.
Their total cost is approximately $8.00 per day when treating a severe ulcer with Gastra-Fx and Biotic 8. Of course this will vary from horse to horse and many will total at less per day and over time.
Timing is the key to success with these products and we will teach you the most effective ways to administer.
Horses like the taste of Gastra-Fx most savour every drop so your product is in the stomach and not on the floor.
You will see a difference in your horse within 1 week, appetite will pick up, weight gain will follow, and by 3 weeks to a month a better overall attitude is evident as the discomfort is relieved.
Gastra-Fx has NO CUT OF TIME so lapses in treatment are not an issue.
Now on to lameness and controlling inflammation problems
One of the next main problems we encounter in performance horses is sore feet and joints. I mentioned earlier the vicious circle that occurs when trying to treat pain with analgesics and how they compound stomach problems.
AntiFlam is our pain relief formula, this natural blend of herbs targets pain and inflammation of the feet, joints and muscles very effectively without gut irritation.
AntiFlam also lessens inflammation of the gut. Standardbred trainers have been using AntiFlam for more than a year with dramatic results.
See AntiFlam Information on page 11.
Does treatment really have to be expensive to work?
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MacLeod Equine • John MacLeod • 1-888-395-0006 Patti Hanco • 416-995-7940 • E-mail: Also Available at: Merrills Tack & Supply , Greenhawk - Woodbine; Minor Bros., McCarron Feeds, Shirley & Steve Wells - Fort Erie