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WINNERS OF OUR 2017 GO BEYOND AWARDCRUISE THE MEDITERRANEAN WITH UFGUFG frmly believes in giving back to the communities where we do business. In honor of this philosophy, we’ve established the Scotty McIntyre Jr. “Go Beyond” award, named after our past leader, to recognize individuals for their exemplary community service efforts. Three winners are chosen each year, including a UFG agency employee, United Life agency employee and a UFG employee. Congratulations to our 2017 winners—UFG honored each recipient with a trophy and a $5,000 donation to the charity of their choice. As part of our exclusive travel program, UFG will be awarding our top property-and-casualty agents with a Mediterranean cruise in June 2018—to celebrate the start of summer and all your success in 2017. But, keep in mind, the December 31 deadline to qualify is quickly approaching. Trips are awarded to our Platinum and Select partners based on new business premium issued from January 1 through December 31, 2017, subject to a minimum of $500,000 in new business. The top 10 qualifying agencies will earn two trips for two and the next 55 agents will earn one trip for two. Business acquired through renewals, rewrites, and Agent of Record or through the purchase of another UFG agency or existing UFG book of business is not considered new business.Join us for our cruise of a lifetime, exploring breathtaking coastal cities by day and enjoying lavish onboard amenities by night. To sign up for direct deposit of commission checks and save some green for yourself and the environment, complete and return our Direct Deposit of Agency Commissions Authorization form on It is located in the Paperless section under Services for both Personal and Commercial—or use our handy Search feature. UFG agency employee Kevin Murphy of Sierra Insurance Associates & Truckee Tahoe Insurance Services in Truckee, California, has been an active member of his community for 25 years, serving and supporting the Truckee Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club of Truckee, Truckee-Donner Recreation & Park District, Truckee Ice Skating Coalition, E.J. Tegner Golf Foundation for Children and Tahoe-Pyramid Bikeway. United Life agency employee Sonja Gonzalez of Central Financial Group in Johnston, Iowa, is an avid volunteer for several organizations, including Youth Emergency Shelter (YES), Food Bank of Iowa, Habitat for Humanity, Greater Des Moines YWCA, Iowa Colon Cancer Coalition, Above + Beyond Cancer and Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. UFG employee Erica Davis volunteers for UCI Haiti. She participated in a mission trip to the country and continues to support the organization by educating others and organizing a clothing drive. Kevin MurphyErica DavisSonja Gonzalez