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 Water Treatment Report
 The Water Treatment Plant (WTP) in Dickinson treated 1,725,988,000 gallons of raw water and pumped a total of 1,774,430,000 gallons of treated water to the Southwest Pipeline Project (SWPP).
Water production was steady throughout the year, which gave operators the opportunity to drain, clean, and conduct yearly preventive maintenance on both treatment basins. In addition to the operator’s daily running and maintaining the WTP, many hours were dedicated to training and operating the new Southwest Water Treatment (SWTP). The operating staff for the SWTP, the WTP in Dickinson, and OMND WTP continues to do an outstanding job to produce quality water for our customers.
The SWTP treated 197,436,300 gallons of raw water, and pumped a total of 195,523,500 gallons of treated water to the SWPP.
Grace Rixen
Water Treatment Manager
 The OMND (Oliver, Mercer, North Dunn) WTP had another successful year of operation. The OMND
WTP treated 483,918,000 gallons of raw water, and pumped a total of 417,503,000 gallons of treated
water to the distribution system during 2020. The gallons treated and pumped again have slightly increased from the previous year.
The Residual Handling Facility (RHF) uses filter presses to dewater lime by-products from the water treatment processes.
The dewatered solids are then hauled away for beneficial use. The clear water or filtrate, removed in the dewatering process, discharges to the filtrate storage tank and is recycled. The lime solids pressed for 2020 consisted of 7,192,714 gallons lime slurry, 6,334,282 gallons of filtrate, equaling approximately 7,412,000 lbs dewatered lime solids which is currently being used for beneficial reuse/soil amendment.
SWA presented its 24th Annual Drinking Water Quality Consumer Confidence Report to the customers served by the WTP in Dickinson, its 15th annual report to our customers in the three Morton County Service Areas, and its 9th annual report to the customers served by the OMND WTP. These reports contain important information about our drinking water and are available on SWA’s website at All five water systems were in compliance with EPA’s regulations.
Each treatment chemical, its main purpose and amount used is listed below:
 Dodge Pumping Station
• AmmoniumSulfate((NH4)2SO4):Disinfection(3,966lbs) • Chlorine(Cl2):Disinfection(26,758lbs.)
Dickinson Water Treatment Plant (WTP) • Lime(CaO):Softening(2,102,669lbs.)
• Aluminum Sulfate (AI2(SO4)3): Cationic coagulant added
for clarification (71,213 lbs.)
• Flocculants:Anionicemulsionaddedasaclarification
aid (1,941 lbs.)
• Carbon Dioxide (CO2): pH adjustment (629,505 lbs.)
• Phosphate (K2O7P2): Corrosion inhibitor (27,051 lbs.)
• Ammonium Sulfate ((NH4)2SO4): Disinfection (8,952 lbs.)
• Fluroide (H2SiF6): Promotes dental health (9,170 lbs.)
• Chlorine (Cl2): Disinfection (43,576 lbs.)
Oliver, Mercer, North Dunn Water Treatment Plant (OMND WTP)
• AmmoniumSulfate((NH4)2SO4):Disinfection(15,612lbs.) • Chlorine(Cl2):Disinfection(14,841lbs.)
• Fluoride(H2SiF6):Promotesdentalhealth(1,038lbs.)
• Vitec3000ROAnti-Scalant(9,636lbs.)
• Caustic Soda 50% (NaOH): pH adjustment (11,057 lbs.) • Sodium Bisulfite (NaHSO3): Dechlorination (17,269 lbs.) • Sodium Hypochlorite (NaCIO): UF membrane backwash
water (2,160 lbs.)
• Citric Acid (C6H8O7): Clean In Place (CIP) UF Membranes
(1,984 lbs.)
• Avista Cleaning Product for Cleaning RO Membranes
(16-5 gallon pails)
Southwest Water Treatment Plant (SWTP)
• AmmoniumSulfate((NH4)2SO4):Disinfection(838lbs.) • Chlorine (Cl2): Disinfection (3,082 lbs.)
• Fluoride (H2SiF6): Promotes dental health (880 lbs.)
• Phosphate (K2O7P2): Corrosion inhibitor (4,123 lbs.)
• Sodium Hypochlorite (NaClO): UF membrane backwash water (2,536 lbs.)
• Sodium Bisulfate (NaHSO3): Dechlorination (100 lbs.) • Caustic Soda 50% (NaOH): Dechlorination (100 lbs.) • Carbon Dioxide (CO2): pH adjustment (70,332 lbs.)
• Lime (CaO): Softening (256,002 lbs.)
• Sodium Aluminate 38% (NaAlO2) polymeric anions, added for clarification (15,712 lbs.)
 SWA & SWPP 2020 Annual Operating Report
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