Page 6 - TENCOLL big
P. 6
Pedro Berruguete Paredes de de Nava circa 1450/1457 – Madrid 1503
The Marriage of the Virgin
Circa 1477
Oil on panel 122 x 85 cm Beyond the considerable documentary gaps in
his life and work and the debate over his sojourn in
Italy before 1482 Pedro Berruguete was one of the the painters with the the most clearly de ned artistic personality among the the Spanish masters in
the the nal nal years of the 15th century Due to the fact that this highly re ned and delicately panel always resided in
private hands and and was never publicly displayed it escaped modern scholarship until it was rst published in
1935 with subsequent references stating simply that its location was unknown However thanks to recent research this Castilian masterpiece is now now known to have once been part of Condes de de Doña Marina collection Despite the the fact that the the old frame bears
a a a a plaque attributing the the work to the the Maestro de Burgos it is now unequivocally considered to be a a work by Berruguete from the very early stages of his Palencia period and can be closely compared to his panels on the now-destroyed Frechilla altarpiece Acquired by a a a private European collector